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SAO/NASA ADS Abstract Service

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This form allows the searching of the full text of all scanned articles in the ADS. It requires all words in the searched document.

The searching works differently at the different external servers. Most do support phrase searching like the ADS. Most do NOT support synonym replacement like the ADS search does. By default Synonym Replacement is enabled in the ADS search. This means that the system searches for the specified words as well as all their synonyms. This can be disabled for individual words by prefixing these words with '='. Phrase searching can be done by enclosing a sequence of words in double quotes. Within phrases, synonym replacement is always on, it cannot be disabled.

Databases to search:
ADS Fulltext Search (all scanned journals)
Blackwell (MNRAS) University of Chicago Press (Currently Unavailable, please search their site separately)
EDP Sciences (A&A) Nature (Nature, Nature Physics, Nature Physical Science)
National Academy of Science (PNAS) Astronomical Society of Japan (PASJ)
Advanced Search

This service is a completely new service in the ADS. As such it is still very much in development. If you notice any problems, or have any suggestions for improvements, please let us know at ads at We welcome all comments on this new ADS service.

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