School of Law National Crime Victim Law Institute

OVW LAV grantees: Register now for the free upcoming teleconference on January 28th, 2009

NCVLI founder and Lewis and Clark Law School professor Doug Beloof will be presenting a teleconference exclusively for OVW LAV grantees -

The Aftermath of Giles v. California: Are a Killer's Prior Threats Against His Victim Admissible?

Professor Beloof will discuss last summer's United States Supreme Court case, Giles v. California, focusing on its impact on the forfeiture by wrongdoing doctrine and its implications for prosecution of domestic violence, and how we can ensure that victims' voice continues to be heard during criminal prosecution.

For more information and to register, click here.

Register now for the free NAVRA training on February 3, 2009

Registration is now open for the upcoming NAVRA training:

"Civil Legal Remedies for Survivors: A Comprehensive Approach to Meeting the Needs of Victims of Rape and Sexual Assault"

This teleconference training will be presented by Jessica Mindlin, Esq., National Director of Training and Technical Assistance for the Victims Rights Law Center. Jessica will provide an overview of the most urgent needs of victims of non-intimate partner sexual assault, and discuss how lawyers and advocates can use existing civil legal remedies to serve victims more effectively. The cost is free for all NAVRA members.

For more information and to register,click here.

D.C. Area Only: Deadline Extended to join the NCVLI-Clinic network

NCVLI invites applicants in the Washington D.C. area to apply for funding to establish a pro bono crime victim legal clinic to serve the D.C. area. Note that an applicant applying for funding in D.C. must be an organization or educational institution located in the District. Through this Request for Proposals NCVLI will award one 12-month subaward in an amount up to $100,000 to an applicant seeking to establish a crime victim legal clinic in the District of Columbia. Applicants must be nonprofit organizations or institutions of higher education.

Complete information, eligibility requirements, and instructions for submitting a proposal can be found here. Prospective applicants must submit a 1-page letter of inquiry by 5pm (PST), January 30, 2009 describing their organization, identifying the federal, state, and, if applicable, tribal jurisdiction(s) to be served, and referencing the core victims' rights law(s) that would be litigated. Completed application packages are then due no later than 5pm (PST), February 27, 2009. Please note that this extended deadline only applies to applicants seeking to establish a clinic in Washington, D.C.

NCVLI Receives Grant to Work with Office on Violence Against Women Grantees

NCVLI received a two-year grant to provide training and legal technical assistance to Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) grantees across the nation. Through this program, NCVLI will assist OVW grantees as they provide direct services to victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, and dating violence. Click here to learn more about this new Project.

Save the Date:
2009 Crime Victim Law & Litigation Conference

The 2009 Law & Litigation Conference, The Path to Progress, will be held June 30 - July 1, 2009. The conference promotes enforcement of victims’ rights by helping attorneys and advocates develop skills to effectively assist victims in the criminal justice system. The 2009 Law & Litigation conference, through funding from the Office for Victims of Crime, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice, will offer foundational through advanced education and training in crime victim law and multi-disciplinary approaches to advocating for crime victims’ rights. Click here for details.

GoodSearch: You Search...We Give!


Proposition 9: The Crime Victims' Bill of Rights of 2008 California has passed Prop 9 to give specific rights to crime victims. Click here to see the actual text of the amendment.

New Report by Human Rights Watch "Mixed Results: US Policy and International Standards on the Rights and Interests of Victims of Crime," reviews current US law and practice against international human rights standards. Learn more here.


Click here for updates to recent victims' rights cases.


12/3/08--Crime Victims Right Petition in the Eleventh Circuit

10/29/08--Promised rape-victim units remain unopened

10/24/08--Progress is Minimal in Clearing DNA Cases

10/7/08--US judge says cannot rewrite BP refinery plea deal

Click here to browse past news articles.