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Tips for Students, Parents and Educators

Early Childhood

The key to academic success is ensuring that children have rich, high-quality opportunities for learning during their crucial formative years. This section provides guidelines for and information about the various stages of a child's cognitive development, from infancy to five years of age. In addition, there are general health and safety tips, bi-literacy research data, and advice for parents with children who have special needs. GO >

Elementary School

The key to academic success in the early grades is literacy. Research has shown that if a child has not learned to read by age nine—the third grade—the more difficulty he or she will have throughout high school and beyond. This section provides helpful tips for parents to assist them in encouraging their children to read, complete homework assignments and excel in school. GO >

High School

A college degree has become a necessary element in obtaining gainful employment in today's economy. Hispanic Americans are becoming more and more aware of this new reality and are seeking various sources to make a college education possible. This section will provide parents and students with resources to assist them in planning for college, including which exams to take, how to choose and get into college, and how to pay for a postsecondary education. GO >

College and Beyond

Although each year many students are accepted to colleges nationwide, not all students complete their college education and receive degrees. This section provides parents, aspiring college students and college students the resources needed to succeed at the postsecondary level, including college survival guidelines and tips on how to take notes, study for exams, and choose a major course of study. GO >

More Information

A variety of educational resources for parents, students and educators—including programs, products, practices and policies—is available from the following federal agencies and organizations:

Last Modified: 02/06/2009