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Postdoctoral Appointees - Outplacement and Employment

Well in advance of the end of your appointment, you and your advisor and/or division management should discuss career opportunities available to you at the completion of your appointment. While a few postdocs are hired into regular scientific positions at Argonne , most find positions outside the Laboratory. Several useful career and placement links are given below.

  • The National Postdoctoral Association (NPA) is a member-driven organization that provides a unique, national voice for postdoctoral scholars. The mission of the NPA is to advance the U.S. research enterprise by maximizing the effectiveness of the research community and enhancing the quality of the postdoctoral experience for all participants. The NPA job board provides information on career opportunities.
  • The University of Chicago Career and Placement Services (CAPS) has created a comprehensive set of handouts to help you in all aspects of your job search. Topics include resume and CV writing, self-assessment, and employment and informational interviewing. This site also provides a series of "Careers In..." handouts that list the best job-search tools available at CAPS, on campus, and on the Internet for a range of industries.
  • Science Magazine Next Wave investigates employment trends, how to make yourself eligible for today's positions, and national and international opportunities. It also has a job posting site with many resources including automated e-mail updates of new positions in your field.
  • is a resource with a variety of career information, postdoc-related statistics and policies, and lists of postdoctoral organizations and fellowships.

General Job Posting Sites

Life Sciences

  • The American Society for Cell Biology has a job board that lists positions in academia, industry, and government.
  • BioMedNet has a job exchange with a detailed search engine.
  • The Career Center of Bio Online posts employment opportunities in industry.
  • has a search engine for biotechnology jobs.
  • Biotechfind is a directory of international links covering the field of biotechnology and including a Biotechnology Career Center .
  • Bioview is a site for biopharmaceutical jobs, news, and resources.
  • has a search engine for jobs in biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, health care, and science.
  • Nature Jobs has articles about career development and a search engine for job listings.




  • has a search engine for science-related jobs in the United States and elsewhere.
  • is one of the leading online career networks.
  • Jobsnet is a leading provider of cost-effective online recruitment solutions for employers worldwide. The JobNext Career Network provides job search and free resume services, targeting mostly recent graduates.
  • and are other good sites.

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