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    Environmental Crimes Section

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    Criminal Division

    AUSAs in the Environmental Crimes Section handle a wide variety of environmental crime cases, including pollution by ocean going cruise vessels, underground fuel storage tank leaks, smuggling and distribution of ozone-depleting substances (CFCs and/or refrigerants) in violation of the federal Clean Air Act, unlawful transportation and disposal of hazardous wastes, destruction and removal of Native American artifacts and native plants on federal lands, and the smuggling of endangered species. AUSAs in the section participate in community outreach efforts to encourage the reporting of environmental violations. Members of the section also regularly provide training to agents and staff a variety of working groups and task forces.



    Section Chief Telephone Address
    Joseph Johns
    Assistant United States Attorney
    (213) 894-4536 The United States Attorney's Office
    Central District of California
    Criminal Division
    Attn: Environmental Crimes Section
    312 North Spring Street
    Los Angeles, California 90012