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    General Crimes Section

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    Criminal Division

    New attorneys in the Criminal Division are assigned immediately to the General Crimes Section, which is responsible for prosecution of the USAO’s more routine criminal cases.  Under close supervision by more senior AUSAs responsible for training, new AUSAs initially are assigned to a wide range of felony cases, handling guilty pleas, suppression motions, jury trials, sentencings, appeals, and probation violations.  The goal is for each new AUSA to handle a wide range of court proceedings including felony jury trials during his or her first year as an AUSA.  While gaining this experience in court, AUSAs also begin to handle pre-indictment work on these same types of felony cases, remaining on call to advise and assist investigating agents by preparing arrest warrants, search warrants, complaints, and grand jury subpoenas; appearing before Magistrate Judges on initial appearances of arrested defendants, bail hearings, and related proceedings; and conducting grand jury proceedings in the cases for which they are responsible.  With the assistance of more senior AUSAs, each case that reaches the indictment stage is carefully screened to ensure that there is sufficient evidence and that the case warrants federal prosecution.

    Section Chief Telephone Address
    Rodrigo Castro-Silva
    Assistant United States Attorney
    (213) 894-2262 The United States Attorney's Office
    Central District of California
    Criminal Division
    Attn: General Crimes Section
    312 North Spring Street
    Los Angeles, California 90012