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    Cyber and Intellectual Property Crimes Section

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    Cyber and Intellectual Property Crimes Section

    AUSAs in the Cyber and Intellectual Property Crimes Section prosecute sophisticated attacks on computer systems, online auction frauds, and intellectual property offenses as part of the Department of Justice’s Computer Hacking and Intellectual Property (“CHIP”) program. Section AUSAs receive specialized training in computer technology and legal issues and coordinate with federal and local law enforcement agencies in fighting cybercrime. Section AUSAs participate in several high-technology investigative organizations, including the Los Angeles Electronic Crimes Task Force, and coordinate various workings groups designed to address computer intrusions, intellectual property offenses and computer forensics issues. In addition, Section AUSAs are actively involved in community outreach efforts with the technology and entertainment industries.

    Section Chief Telephone Address
    Wes Hsu
    Assistant United States Attorney
    (213) 894-3045 The United States Attorney's Office
    Central District of California
    Criminal Division
    Attn: Cyber and Intellectual
    Property Crimes Section
    312 North Spring Street
    Los Angeles, California 90012