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How can I get a job with the Indian Health Service?

All Indian Health Service jobs, along with some tribal and urban Indian health program jobs, are listed on line at the IHS web site at Jobs Vacancies Database. Also, other IHS jobs can be located through an on-line search at FedWorld Federal Jobs Search and USAJOBS—Federal job and employment information provided by the Office of Personnel Management.

Medical Professionals interested in IHS employment may write or call the IHS Health Professions Support Branch at IHS Headquarters in Rockville, MD—

Indian Health Service
Health Professions Support Team
Twinbrook Metro Plaza, Suite 100A
12300 Twinbrook Parkway
Rockville, MD 20852
Tel: 301-443-4242
Fax: 301-443-1071

Physicians can contact IHS Physician Recruiters. Nurses can contact IHS Nurse Recruiters. Individuals seeking other health care positions can contact the appropriate person(s) in the Other Health Professions Recruiters list.

Job vacancies at IHS facilities are handled locally. Please contact the Area Personnel Office directly for information about job vancancies in that region.

About all Indian Health Service jobs: Each vacancy announcement contains information about the individual to contact to apply. Get in touch with that person at the appropriate IHS Personnel Office from the list. In order to apply for most permanent positions, you must be a “status” candidate. Status candidates are Indian Preference eligibles, current permanent Federal employees, reinstatement eligibles, and those applicants with special appointing authority. All IHS positions are subject to Indian preference laws.

Please Note: When applying for a position, DO NOT FAX OR E-MAIL your job application or resume. Telefaxed or e-mailed documents WILL NOT be accepted.

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This file last modified:   Wednesday September 12, 2001  10:01 AM