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POP Culture: 1840

ICONS: Sewing Machines, Wagon Trains, Charles Dickens
Sewing Machine Wagon Trains Charles Dickens

  • Captain Charles Wilkes circumnavigates Antarctica, claiming it for the United States on January 19, 1840.
  • The first wagon train leaves Independence, MO, bound for California on May 1, 1841.
  • The August 9, 1842, Webster-Ashburton Treaty formally designates the border separating the United States and Canada.
  • On May 24, 1844, Samuel B. Morse sends the message, "What hath God wrought" over the first telegraph line from Washington, DC, to Baltimore, MD.
  • Alexander Cartwright and his New York Knickerbockers codify the "Rules of Baseball" in 1845.
  • Elias Howe patents the sewing machine on September 10, 1846.
  • The American Medical Association is founded in Philadelphia on May 7, 1847.
  • Elizabeth Blackwell receives the first medical degree awarded to a woman on January 23, 1849, from the Medical Institute of Geneva, NY.

The 1840 Census


10 Largest Urban Places

U.S. Resident Population: 17,063,353 Rank Place Population
Population per square mile of land area: 9.8 1 New York City, NY 312,710
Percent increase of population from 1830 to 1840: 32.7 2 Baltimore, MD 102,313
Official Enumeration Date: June 1 3 New Orleans, LA 102,193
Number of States: 26 4 Philadelphia, PA 93,665
Cost: $833,000 5 Boston, MA 93,383
Cost per Capita (cents): 4.9 6 Cincinnati, OH 46,338
Total Pages in Published Reports: 1,465 7 Brooklyn, NY 36,233
Number of Enumerators: 2,167 8 Northern Liberties District, PA 34,474
Number of Office Staff: 28 9 Albany, NY 33,721
Census Bureau Director: William Augustus Weaver 10 Charleston, SC 29,261
Number of Questions Asked: 12 Other lists of largest urban places.
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Source: U.S. Census Bureau  |  History  |  Page Last Modified: April 20, 2009