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  MBNMS Conservation Working Group (CWG)  

The Conservation Working Group was created in 1989 by Save Our Shores (SOS) and the Center for Marine Conservation (CMC) to focus the knowledge and talent of local, regional, and national conservation groups on the designation process for the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. From 1989-1993, this ad-hoc committee (orignially known as the Monterey Sanctuary Environmental Working Group) coordinated the flow of Sanctuary related information, collaborated on public outreach materials, and provided critical feedback to decision makers on resource protection and other priorities for the Sanctuary. The group was instrumental in helping to achieve the designation of the Sanctuary in 1992 as the largest marine protected area in the country.

In April 1994, the MBNMS management created the MBNMS Advisory Council (SAC). This was done utilizing recent amendments to the National Marine Sanctuaries and Reserves Act that exempted the Marine Sanctuary program from the Federal Advisory Committee Act. The SAC is composed of individuals representing various public interests; one of these interests is conservation. Under authority of the National Marine Sanctuaries and Reserves Act, the SAC may form and utilize Working Groups to help it accomplish its tasks. In May 1994, the CWG was taken under the purview of the SAC as a Working Group.

Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Conservation Working Group Policies

Only conservation organizations and agencies with a conservation mission will be considered for institutional membership.

To be considered for membership, an organization or agency must have a conservation oriented mission statement or a recent history of conservation activities related to the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary.

To serve as an institutional member, an individual must have the formal endorsement of the institution they represent.

At-large memberships for individuals are possible by CWG majority vote in order to provide expertise for specific subjects.

The CWG encourages open meetings for all interested parties.

There is a strong interest in regional representation.

A committee composed of the CWG Chair, Co-Chair and the MBNMS Resource Protection Coordinator will select new institutional members. The committee may also recommend at large members to the CWG . At large members may be appointed by a majority vote of the CWG.

The Chair of the CWG is the Conservation Representative to the SAC. A Co-chair shall be selected by a majority vote of the members to serve a 2-year term.

The CWG aims for consensus on recommendations to the SAC. Where consensus is not possible, a majority vote of the members shall determine the CWG position. Only the majority viewpoint shall be presented by the CWG to the SAC. It is up to dissenting CWG members to present opposing views to the SAC individually if they so desire.

The CWG's Mission is to help promote and achieve comprehensive and long-lasting stewardship of the Sanctuary through continued oversight and advocacy. CWG members work to ensure that the Sanctuary is not neglected or exposed to new threats. Previous meeting minutes produced by the CWG and MBNMS staff are available upon request.

Role Statement, Monterey Bay Sanctuary Conservation Working Group. The CWG will:

  1. Serve as a forum and clearinghouse for identification, exchange, and discussion of information on current and emerging environmental issues, as well as Sanctuary-specific resource protection and management issues;
  2. Collaborate in building a well-informed and supportive constituency for the Sanctuary through pro-active education, organization memberships, public and media outreach, and citizen involvement activities;
  3. Provide advice, views, and factual information on resource protection, Sanctuary management, and other issues in response to requests from Sanctuary staff, the SAC and associated working groups, and other appropriate parties;
  4. Identify resource protection and management needs and make recommendations on protection and management priorities, strategies, and policies to Sanctuary staff, the SAC and associated working groups, and other appropriate parties;
  5. Review, provide advice and comments, and encourage the development of Sanctuary-related programs, proposals, projects, and permits to Sanctuary staff, the SAC and associated working groups, and other appropriate parties;
  6. Promote communication and coordination among conservation organizations and other non-governmental organizations, user groups, Sanctuary staff, the SAC and other Sanctuary-related working groups, and other appropriate parties.

CWG Members

CWG Meeting Minutes

CWG Meetings:

The CWG meets every third (3rd) Tuesday from 9:30 - 12:30 at the Moss Landing Harbor District meeting room. Typically, the CWG does not meet in August or December.

For more information, contact:

Mike Eng
Resource Protection Coordinator
299 Foam Street
Monterey, CA 93940
Phone: (831) 647-4247
Fax: (831) 647-4250

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This page last modified on: 06/27/08
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