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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Center for Delivery, Organization, and Markets (CDOM): Staff Biographies

Bernard Friedman, Ph.D.

Bernard Friedman, Ph.D., is an economist who specializes in research on health care costs and utilization of expensive services. At the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), he has analyzed the responses of hospitals to changes in Medicare and regulatory programs, the supply of expensive hospital-based services such as organ transplants, hip replacement surgery, and intensive care services to adults and infants. He is also active in research on preventable hospital admissions, readmissions and other applications of the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) databases.

Dr. Friedman's work in health economics has been published in many recognized books and peer-reviewed journals such as Review of Economics and Statistics, Medical Care, Health Services Research, Health Care Financing Review, American Journal of Managed Care and Health Affairs. Dr. Friedman holds a doctorate in economics from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He was formerly a faculty member of Northwestern University and served as vice president at the Hospital Research and Educational Trust.

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