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US Census Bureau News Release


It’s Not Too Late to Return Your Economic Census Forms

     While the Feb. 12 deadline has passed, businesses that received 2007 Economic Census forms are urged to complete and return them as soon as possible to satisfy their legal obligation. Businesses can get help with their forms online at <>.

     Information collected in the 2007 Economic Census includes the number of employees, payroll, and the types and value of goods and services provided during 2007. Most businesses can complete their forms in about an hour. Versions of the forms may be previewed online.

     The economic census is taken every five years to identify business trends and measure economic growth. Governments, businesses and individuals use the economic census data for planning and market development. Census data also help update figures such as the gross domestic product.

     Census responses are confidential by law. Individual census forms will be seen only by persons sworn to uphold the confidentiality of census information. The data collected will only be used for statistical purposes. Copies retained in respondents’ files are immune from the legal process. Responses are exempt from the Freedom of Information Act, and no business competitors can obtain the data.

     Businesses that receive a form are legally obligated to complete and return it. If a business needs more time to complete the forms, it can use the site to request a 30-day extension. Online forms and assistance are available at <>, or by calling 800-233-6136.

     Please complete the economic census today. America needs your numbers.

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Source: U.S. Census Bureau | Public Information Office |  Last Revised: April 17, 2009