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2007 Economic Census

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Finding Data Highlights

The Census Bureau offers several easy-to-use data products. These are derived from detailed data sets.

Economy-Wide Key Statistics

The Economy-Wide Key Statistics (EWKS) data set (2007 version | 2002 version) includes key statistics:

  • number of establishments;
  • sales, receipts, revenue, shipments or business done;
  • annual payroll
  • and number of employees.

The levels of geography covered across all industries are national, state, county, place (city) and metropolitan area.

The EWKS data set is derived from various Industry Series and Geographic Area Series data sets.

Economic Fact Sheets

Economic Fact Sheets provide quick access to basic economic data at the national level or by state, county, city/town or ZIP code.

Available as a "snapshot", the data can be viewed only and cannot be manipulated or filtered.

Economic Quick Reports

Economic Quick Reports are "pre-packaged" data compiled by American FactFinder. The data are grouped by either industry or geography.

  • Industry Quick Reports display data for a single North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) industry for the United States and each individual state.
  • Geography Quick Reports display data for a selected geography for all NAICS industries.

Economic Quick Reports can be easily downloaded and printed.

Thematic Maps

Thematic Maps display geographic patterns in statistical data, such as number of establishments for an industry, displayed as color-coded areas on a map.

Note: These data highlights are created from more detailed data sets.

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Source: U.S. Census Bureau  |  2007 Economic Census  |  Page Last Modified: April 27, 2009