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Office of Extramural Programs


Funding Opportunities

Past Funding - Research Grants

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ANNOUNCEMENT NO. PA-05-015: Research Supplements to Promote Diversity in Health-Releated Research; Contact Information: (404) 498-2530 (Expires September 30, 2008)
NOTICE OD-07-092: The purpose of this notice is to extended the expiration date

ANNOUNCEMENT NO. RFA-OH-08-004: Workplace Violence Health Research (R01); Contact Person: Bernadine B. Kuchinski, Ph.D., (513) 533-8511; (Closing Date: March 27, 2008)

ANNOUNCEMENT NO. RFA-OH-08-003: Mining Occupational Safety and Health Research (R01); Contact Person: Jim Newhall, Ph.D., (404) 498-2530; (Closing Date: March 27, 2008)
Amendment NOT-08-003: Clarification of Funding Ceiling for RFA-OH-08-003


ANNOUNCEMENT NO. PAR-04-105: Career Development Grants in Occupational Safety and Health Research (K01); Contact Information: (404) 498-2530; (Expires: July 2, 2006 unless reissued)

ANNOUNCEMENT NO. PAR-05-026 : Community Participation in Research--OBSSR, NCI, NHLBI, NICHD, NIDCR, NIEHS, NINR, NIAAA, NIMH, NIDCD, AHRQ, NIOSH; Contact Person: Adele Childress, Ph.D., MSPH, (404) 498-2509; (Closing date: May 18, 2007)

ANNOUNCEMENT NO. RFA-CD-07-005: Improving Public Health Practice through Translation Research (R18); Contact Person: Wilbert J. Newhall, Ph.D., (404) 498-2530; (Expires April 11, 2007)

NOTICE NO. NOT-OH-07-001: Occupational Safety and Health Research (R01): The purpose of this notice is to provide information on how to apply for a NIOSH R01 Award. Contact Person: Susan B. Board, M.S., (404) 498-2512.

ANNOUNCEMENT NO. RFA-ES-06-008: Manufactured Nanomaterials: Physio-chemical Principles of Biocompatibility and Toxicity (R01); Contact Person: W. Allen Robison, Ph.D., (404) 498-2509; (Expires January 13, 2007)

NIOSH Co-Sponsored

Small Business Innovation Research (R43/R44): Contact Person: Susan Board, MS, (404) 498-2512; (Closing Date: January 3, 2008) NOTE: Beginning with the December 2005 receipt date, all applications must be submitted electronically through See the full announcement (click on link above) for more details.


ANNOUNCEMENT NO. PA-04-038: Occupational Health and Safety Research (R01); Contact Person: Michael Galvin, Ph.D., (404) 498-2530; (Closing Date: November 23, 2006 unless reissued). This announcement replaces PA-99-143.

: Commercial Truck Driver Health and Safety - Preventing Injury and Illness; Contact Person: E. Lee Husting, Ph.D., (404) 498-2506; (Expires: July 22, 2006)

ANNOUNCEMENT NO. RFA-OH-07-002: Childhood Agricultural Safety and Hhealth Research; Contact Person: E. Lee Husting, Ph.D., (404) 498-2506; (Expires: August 17, 2006)

ANNOUNCEMENT NO. PA-04-030: NIOSH Exploratory/Developmental Grant Program (R21); Contact Person: Michael Galvin, Ph.D., (404) 498-2524; (Closing Date: October 2006 unless reissued).

ANNOUNCEMENT NO. PA-04-021: Small Grants in Occupational Safety and Health Research; Contact Person: Michael Galvin, Ph.D., (404) 498-2530; (Closing Date: November 23, 2006.) This announcement replaces PA-01-0133.

ANNOUNCEMENT NO. RFA OH-06-004: Workplace Violence Prevention Research (R01); Contact Person: Lee Husting, Ph.D., (404) 498-2506; (Closing Date: April 19, 2006) Amendment: NOTICE NO. OH-06-003: The purpose of this notice is to provide clarification to RFA OH-06-004.

ANNOUNCEMENT NO. RFA OH-06-002: Prevention of Airborne Infections in Occupational Settings; Contact Person: Adele M. Childress, Ph.D., M.S.P.H., (404) 498-2509; (Closing Date: April 18, 2006)

NIOSH Co-Sponsored

Small Business Innovation Research (R43/R44): Contact Person: Susan Board, MS, (404) 498-2512; (Closing Date: January 4, 2006) NOTE: Beginning with the December 2005 receipt date, all applications must be submitted electronically through See the full announcement (click on link above) for more details.

ANOUNCEMENT NO. EPA-G2006-STAR-F1-F7 : Nanotechnology Research Grants Investigating Environmental and Human Health Effects of Manufactured Nanomaterials: A Joint Research Solicitation-EPA, NSF, NIOSH, NIEHS; Contact Person: Adele Childress, Ph.D., MSPH, (404) 498-2509; (Closing date: February 22, 2006)



ANNOUNCEMENT NO. RFA OH-05-005 : Mining Occupational Safety and Health Research; Contact Person: Susan Board, (404) 498-2512; (Expires: March 16, 2005)

: Occupational Exposure Risk on Reproduction/Development; Contact Person: Bridgette E. Garrett, Ph.D., (404) 498-2508; (Expires: January 13, 2005)

ANNOUNCEMENT NO. RFA ES-04-007 : Environmental Justice: Partnerships for Communication; Contact Person: Adele Childress, Ph.D., (404) 498-2509; (Closing Date: January 8, 2005)

ANNOUNCEMENT NO. EPA STAR-2005-B1 : Nanotechnology Research Grants Investigating

Environmental and Human Health Effects of Manufactured Nanomaterials: A Joint Research Solicitation--EPA, NSF, NIOSH; Contact Person: Adele Childress, Ph.D., (404) 498-2509; (Expires: January 5, 2005)


ANNOUNCEMENT NO. RFA-OH-04-001: Neurological Indices of Long Term Solvent Exposure in Workers; Contact Person: Michael Galvin, Ph.D., (404) 498-2524; (Closing Date: December 17, 2003)

ANNOUNCEMENT NO. RFA-OH-04-003: Incidence of Needlestick and Sharps Injuries and Medical Safety Device Availability/Use Among Non-Hospital Health Care Workers; Contact Person: Adele M. Childress, Ph.D., (404) 498-2509; (Closing Date: January 23, 2004)

ANNOUNCEMENT NO. RFA-OH-04-005: Mining Safety and Health Training and Translation Center; Contact Person: Michael J. Galvin, Ph.D., (404) 498-2524; (Closing Date: January 23, 2004)

ANNOUNCEMENT NO. PA-01-044: Research on Emergency Medical Services for Children; Contact Person: Michael Galvin, Ph.D., (404) 498-2530; (Closing Date: January 25, 2004).

ANNOUNCEMENT NO. PA-01-032: Career Development Grants in Occupational Safety and Health; Contact Person: Michael Galvin, Ph.D., (404) 498-2530; (Closing Date: February 2004 unless reissued). This announcement replaces PA-99-144.

ANNOUNCEMENT NO. PA-99-075: Beryllium Induced Diseases; Contact Person: Michael Galvin, Ph.D., (404) 498-2530; (Closing Date: Continuous program).


ANNOUNCEMENT NO. PA-99-143: Occupational Safety and Health Research; Contact Person: Michael Galvin, Ph.D., (404) 498-2530; (Closing Date: Continuous Program).

ANNOUNCEMENT NO. PA-99-148: Research Methods for Occupational Cancer; Contact Person: Adele M. Childress, Ph.D., M.S.P.H., (404) 498-2509; (Closing Date: Continuous program).

ANNOUNCEMENT NO. PA-01-033: Small Grants in Occupational Safety and Health; Contact Person: Lee Sanderson, Ph.D., (404) 498-2530; (Closing Date: February 2004 unless reissued).
This announcement replaces PA-99-144.

ANNOUNCEMENT NO. RFA ES-03-002: Environmental Justice: Partnerships for Communication; Contact Person: Adele Childress, Ph.D., (404) 498-2509; (Closing Date: January 14, 2003).

ANNOUNCEMENT NO. RFA ES-03-007: Environmental Justice: Partnerships for Communication; Contact Person: Adele Childress, Ph.D., (404) 498-2509; (Closing Date: October 17, 2003).

ANNOUNCEMENT NO. RFA OH-03-003: Childhood Agricultural Safety and Health Research; Contact Person: Adele Childress, Ph.D., (404) 498-2509; (Closing Date: May 23, 2003).


ANNOUNCEMENT NO. RFA OH-02-011: Workplace Violence Prevention Research; Contact Person: Lee M. Sanderson, Ph.D., (404) 498-2546; (Closing Date: July 11, 2002)

ANNOUNCEMENT NO. RFA OH-02-006: National Center for the Prevention of Childhood Agricultural Injury; Contact Person: Michael J. Galvin, Ph.D., (404) 498-2524; (Closing Date: June 11, 2002)

ANNOUNCEMENT NO. RFA OH-02-002: Occupational Radiation and Energy-Related Health Research Grants; Contact Person: Adele M. Childress, Ph.D., M.S.P.H., (404) 498-2509; (Closing Date: May 13, 2002)

ANNOUNCEMENT NO. RFA OH-02-004: Musculoskeletal Disorders: Prevention and Treatment; Contact Person: Michael J. Galvin, Ph.D., (404) 498-2524; (Closing Date: January 15, 2002)

ANNOUNCEMENT NO. RFA OH-02-001: NIOSH Exploratory/Developmental Grant (R21) Program; Contact Person: Adele M. Childress, Ph.D., M.S.P.H., (404) 498-2509; (Closing Date: December 27, 2001)

ANNOUNCEMENT NO. RFA OH-02-003: Hearing Sensitivity and Exposure to Noise and/or Chemicals; Contact Person: Adele M. Childress, Ph.D., M.S.P.H., (404) 498-2509; (Closing Date: December 27, 2001)

ANNOUNCEMENT NO. RFA OH-02-005: Mining Occupational Safety and Health Research Grants; Contact Person: Michael J. Galvin, Ph.D., (404) 498-2524; (Closing Date: December 27, 2001).


ANNOUNCEMENT NO. RFA OH-01-005: Traumatic Occupational Injury Research: Science for Prevention; Contact Person: Lee Sanderson, Ph.D., (404) 639-1528; (Closing Date: April 18, 2001).

ANNOUNCEMENT NO. RFA OH-01-006: Extended Work Schedules in the New Economy: Health and Safety Risks to Workers; Contact Person: Lee Sanderson, Ph.D., (404) 639-1528; (Closing Date: April 18, 2001).

ANNOUNCEMENT NO. RFA OH-01-008: Occupational Exposure to Putative Reproductive/Developmental Toxicants in Humans; Contact Person: Lee Sanderson, Ph.D., (404) 639-1528; (Closing Date: April 18, 2001).

ANNOUNCEMENT NO. RFA-OH-01-001: Endocrine Disruptors: Epidemiologic Approaches; Contact Person: Michael Galvin, (404) 639-3343; (Closing Date: September 22, 2000).


ANNOUNCEMENT NO. 2000 Star E1, E2, E3: Complex Chemical Mixtures; Contact Person: Michael Galvin, (404) 639-3343; (Closing Date: July 10, 2000).

ANNOUNCEMENT NO. RFA-OH-00-001:Childhood Agricultural Safety and Health Research; Contact Person: Roy M. Fleming, Sc.D, (404) 639-3343; (Closing Date: April 19, 2000).

ANNOUNCEMENT NO. RFA-OH-00-002: Intervention Effectiveness Research in Occupational Safety and Health; Contact Person: Roy Fleming, Sc.D, (404) 639-3343; (Closing Date: April 26, 2000).

ANNOUNCEMENT NO. RFA-ES-00-004: Health Disparities: Linking Biological and Behavioral Mechanisms with Social and Physical Environments; Contact Person: Roy M. Fleming, Sc.D, (404) 639-3343; (Closing Date: April 26, 2000).

ANNOUNCEMENT NO. RFA-OH-00-005: Research to Strengthen Occupational Safety and Health Surveillance; Contact Person: Roy Fleming, Sc.D, (404) 639-3343; (Closing Date: April 28, 2000).

ANNOUNCEMENT NO. RFA-OH-00-006: NIOSH Exploratory/Developmental Grant (R21); Contact Person: Roy Fleming, Sc.D, (404) 639-3343; (Closing Date: May 15, 2000).


ANNOUNCEMENT NO. PA-99-144: Occupational Safety and Health Research; Contact Person: Roy M. Fleming, Sc.D, (404) 639-3343; (Closing Date: Continuous Program)
This announcement has been replaced with PA-01-032 (Career Development Grants) and PA-01-033 (Small Grants).

ANNOUNCEMENT NO. OH-99-002: Implementation of the National Occupational Research Agenda; Available Funds: $7.5M; (Closing Date: June 10, 1999).

ANNOUNCEMENT NO. OH-99-003: Mechanistic-Based Cancer Risk Assessment Methods; Contact Person: Roy M. Fleming, Sc.D, (404) 639-3343; Available funds: $1.55M; (Closing Date: July 14, 1999).


ANNOUNCEMENT NO. 817: Childhood Agricultural Safety and Health Research; Contact Person: Roy M. Fleming, Sc.D, (404) 639-3343; (Closing Date: April 16, 1998).

ANNOUNCEMENT NO. 98030: Occupational Radiation and Energy Related Health Research Grants; Contact Person: Roy M. Fleming, Sc.D, (404) 639-3343; (Closing Date: June 11, 1998)

ANNOUNCEMENT NO. 98044: Implementation of the National Occupational Research Agenda; Contact Person: Roy M. Fleming, Sc.D, (404) 639-3343; (Closing Date: June 23, 1998)

ANNOUNCEMENT NO. 98056: Mining Occupational Safety and Health Research Grants; Contact Person: Roy M. Fleming, Sc.D, (404) 639-3343; (Closing Date: June 25, 1998).


ANNOUNCEMENT NO. 722: Intervention Studies for Construction Safety and Health; Contact Person: Roy Fleming, Sc.D, (404) 639-3343; (Closing Date: May 14, 1997).

ANNOUNCEMENT NO. 725: Childhood Agricultural Safety and Health Research; Contact Person: Roy Fleming, Sc.D, (404) 639-3343; (Closing Date: June 10, 1997).

ANNOUNCEMENT NO. 736: Intervention Studies in Agricultural Safety and Health; Contact Person: Roy M. Fleming, Sc.D, (404) 639-3343; (Closing Date: July 15, 1997)

ANNOUNCEMENT NO. 740: Occupational Radiation and Energy-Related Health Research Grants; Contact Person: Roy M. Fleming, Sc.D, (404) 639-3343; (Closing Date: July 15, 1997)

ANNOUNCEMENT NO. 807: Mining Occupational Safety and Health Research Grants; Contact Person: Roy M. Fleming, Sc.D, (404) 639-3343; (Closing Date: November 11, 1997).


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