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Last Reviewed: Dec. 3, 2007
Last Updated: Dec. 3, 2007
Content Source:
Office of Minority Health & Health Disparities (OMHD)

Cooperative Agreements
Hispanic/Latino Populations

Yellow Square Bullet Hispanic-Serving Health Professions Schools, Inc. (HSHPS)
Yellow Square Bullet National Alliance for Hispanic Health (NAHH)
Yellow Square Bullet National Hispanic Council on Aging (NHCOA)


Yellow Square Bullet Hispanic-Serving Health Professions Schools Inc. (HSHPS)
"Enhancing professional education, research infrastructure, and Capacity Building in minority Serving institutions. "
  HSHPS is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, was established in 1996 with support from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) in response to Executive Order 12900, “Educational Excellence for Hispanic Americans.”  The organization was launched as a part of the “Hispanic Agenda for Action Initiative” and is the only national organization representing Hispanic-serving health professions schools.
   Today, HSHPS represents 25 medical schools and schools of public health nationwide serving over 40% of Hispanic medical school graduates and nearly 1 out of every 6 Hispanic schools of public health graduates in the continental United States as well as a broader network of more than 300 researchers who address health issues among Hispanics.

HSHPS Mission and principal goals are:

  The mission of HSHPS is to improve the health of Hispanics through academic development, research initiatives, and training. Through strong partnerships with member institutions, federal agencies, foundations, corporations and other non-profit organizations, HSHPS works diligently to accomplish its mission by:
  Blue Sphere Bullet Helping Medical and Public Health schools recruit, promote and retain Hispanic faculty, researchers and key administrators.
  Blue Sphere Bullet Developing educational opportunities in Health Profession Schools’ curriculum, research, and clinical experience that will help Hispanic and non-Hispanic students provide excellent health care to Hispanic populations.
  Blue Sphere Bullet Promoting collaboration at the regional, national, and international levels between educational institutions and other groups with an interest in, or impact on, Hispanic health.
  Blue Sphere Bullet Using our research strength and our representation of academic institutions to have a significant voice at the table in setting policy on issues of Hispanic health.
  The purpose of the cooperative agreement is to:
  Blue Sphere Bullet Build and strengthen institutional infrastructure supporting the development and implementation of strategies and programs to advance professional development, education, and research training for minority, Hispanic, students.
  Blue Sphere Bullet Improve program and institutional capacity to foster partnerships and coalition building.
  Blue Sphere Bullet Enhance research efforts of participating institutions and Hispanic principal investigators.
  Blue Sphere Bullet Strengthen the educational and professional development of minority health professionals, educators and students, specifically Hispanics.
  Blue Sphere Bullet Support a student training initiative, to increase overall knowledge of public health, and to provide the tools needed to enhance Hispanic student’s careers in medicine and public health.
  HSHPS is responsible for the following activities:
  Blue Sphere Bullet Conduct Professional Development and continuing education activities for Hispanic faculty, students and other public health professionals.
  Blue Sphere Bullet Capacity Building and Resource Development, including:  career development, needs assessment, cultural competency, and border health policy for students, faculty and staff of member institutions.
  Blue Sphere Bullet Create, establish and implement a 3-track training program to further advance the careers of Hispanic graduate and doctoral students in medicine, public health and biological sciences.
  Blue Sphere Bullet Program evaluation to determine the effectiveness of the organization and its member institutions.
  Project Period:
  Five Years

To learn more about the Organization HSHPS Click Here.

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Yellow Square Bullet National Alliance for Hispanic Health (NAHH)
"Strengthening Existing National Organizations serving Racial and Ethnic Minority Populations Capacity Development Programs: Strategies to Advance Program Implementation, Coordination, Management, and Evaluation Efforts."
  The National Alliance for Hispanic Health is a national minority organization that current serves all 10 HHS regions.
  Since 1973, under the name, Coalition of Spanish Speaking Mental Health Organizations (COSSMHO), the NAHH has been in the forefront of being an important voice for the health concerns of Hispanics. Their strength and credibility increased based on its programs and record of early and strategic leadership during critical times in the history of health services in the US.
  NAHH’s vision is of strong, Hispanic healthy communities whose contributions are recognized by a society that fosters the health, well being and prosperity of its members.
  For the last 32 years, NAHH’s mission of focusing its efforts on improving the health and well-being of Hispanics has delivered culturally proficient and linguistically appropriate health and human services to over 13 million persons, making a positive daily difference in the lives of Hispanic communities.

NAHH principal goals are:

  Blue Sphere Bullet Promote health and quality of life by reducing the disproportionate burden of preventable diseases, death, and injury among racial and ethnic minorities.
  Blue Sphere Bullet Increase the cultural proficiency capacity of Hispanic serving organizations, including community based organizations, and state and local health departments.
  Blue Sphere Bullet Promote capacity development thru the provision of technical assistance and training opportunities.
  The purpose of the program announcement is to:
  Blue Sphere Bullet Expanding and enhancing culturally and linguistically appropriate health educational and community-based programs targeting racial and ethnic minorities, thereby contributing to the goal of eliminating health disparities within the racial and ethnic minority population.
  Blue Sphere Bullet Promoting and advancing policy analysis efforts, program assessment and program development activities, formative evaluation, training and technical assistance programs, and project management.
  Blue Sphere Bullet Strengthening coalition building and collaboration and leadership that improve the health status and access to programs for racial and ethnic minority populations.
  Blue Sphere Bullet Providing innovative capacity-building assistance to support and strengthen minority community-based organizations in management, fiscal management, and program operations.

NAHH is responsible for the following activities:

  Blue Sphere Bullet Assessing and strengthening existing collaborations with public health professionals serving Hispanics to identify available culturally proficient and linguistically appropriate public heath services, within the “Su Familia” database.
  Blue Sphere Bullet Develop and implement a “State of Regions” needs assessment to identify available culturally proficient and linguistically appropriate public heath services.
  Blue Sphere Bullet Identify technical assistance, training and program delivery needs as a result of the “State of the Region” report.
  Blue Sphere Bullet Utilize the result of the “State of the Regions” report as a tool to provide technical assistance and recommendations for policy change when addressing Hispanic communities.
  Blue Sphere Bullet Collaborate with university-based liaison to the Alliance’s “Proyecto Ciencia” and regional private and public partners to identify at least 3 partnerships opportunities (annually).
  Blue Sphere Bullet In collaboration with CDC, DHHS regional offices and regional partners, implement one regional “Proyecto Informar Capacity Building Training Institute”, to increase cultural proficiency.
  Project Period:
  Four Years

To learn more about the Organization NAHH Click Here.

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Yellow Square Bullet National Hispanic Council on Aging (NHCOA)
"Strengthening Existing National Organizations serving Racial and Ethnic Minority Populations Capacity Development Programs: Strategies to Advance Program Implementation, Coordination, Management, and Evaluation Efforts."

The National Hispanic Council on Aging is a national non-profit, non-partisan, umbrella organization that current serves all 10 HHS regions.


Since 1979, the NHCOA has been in the forefront of working to improve the quality of life for Hispanic elders, their families and their communities.


Currently, NHCOA represent the only constituency-based national Hispanic organization representing Latino elderly issues.


NHCOA strategic plan lays out four primary areas of focus: health disparities, promoting economic security, improving availability of affordable housing, and community building.


Through training seminars and individualized assistance, NHCOA focuses on resource development, program operations, management and governance as well as program specific services in health, income security, housing and community development, and leadership skills enhancement. In addition their involvement and dedication has gain them respect and reputation in order to develop the National Hispanic Elderly Health policy Agenda.


The NCHOA overall principal goal is:


To reduce diabetes health disparities between the older Hispanic population and non-Hispanic adults in the U.S. by delaying the onset of diabetes in high-risk Hispanic groups, by preventing the development of diabetes complications in those with the condition already; and by improving the quality of health care for Hispanic seniors with diabetes.


The "Salud y Bienestar Project" principal goals are:

  Blue Sphere Bullet To improve Diabetes prevention and control among Hispanic older adults and their families.
  Blue Sphere Bullet Development of culturally- and linguistically-appropriate and age sensitive educational materials for Hispanic older adults.
  Blue Sphere Bullet Focus outreach at the community level utilizing “ Promotores de Salud”.
  Blue Sphere Bullet Development of a state-of- the art web-based training course for non-Hispanic health care providers.
  The purpose of the program announcement is to:
  Blue Sphere Bullet Expanding and enhancing culturally and linguistically appropriate health educational and community-based programs targeting racial and ethnic minorities, thereby contributing to the goal of eliminating health disparities within the racial and ethnic minority population.
  Blue Sphere Bullet Promoting and advancing policy analysis efforts, program assessment and program development activities, formative evaluation, training and technical assistance programs, and project management.
  Blue Sphere Bullet Strengthening coalition building and collaboration and leadership that improve the health status and access to programs for racial and ethnic minority populations.
  Blue Sphere Bullet Providing innovative capacity-building assistance to support and strengthen minority community-based organizations in management, fiscal management, and program operations.

NHCA is responsible for the following activities:

  Blue Sphere Bullet Establish a written partnership agreements with 2 NHCOA affiliate community based organization.
  Blue Sphere Bullet Conduct baseline assessment to determine partner’s staff training needs, and develop an action plan.
  Blue Sphere Bullet Develop culturally- and linguistically-appropriate diabetes educational materials to support the work of promotores de salud in the community.
  Blue Sphere Bullet Plan, design, implement, and evaluate a two day community mobilization train the trainer program.
  Blue Sphere Bullet Continue to launch the National Diabetes Information Dissemination Effort.
  Blue Sphere Bullet Launch the bilingual web-based training course.
  Blue Sphere Bullet Implement comprehensive diabetes education, promotion, and outreach activities at partnering community-based affiliates.
  Project Period:
  Four Years

To learn more about the Organization NHCA Click Here.

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