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Really Simple Syndication (RSS)
Our Department offers alerts on our latest statistical news via RSS feeds.
What is RSS?
RSS or Really Simple Syndication is an easy way to keep you updated automatically on the latest statistical news released via our SingStat website. Instead of checking for updates on our SingStat website, you will receive statistical news highlights and hyperlink to the source document whenever the updates are posted. Such alerts are delievered in an XML file called the RSS feed or RSS channel.
How can I receive SingStat RSS feeds?
You could either use a web-based reader or download & install a news reader. Follow the instructions of your reader to subscribe to a RSS feed. To add SingStat RSS feed, simply cut and paste the following URL in your reader.
Where do I get a RSS reader?
There are many readers available for download online. You could try searching with keyword such as "RSS newsreader" or "RSS readers" etc.

Last updated: 30 Jun 2007