Latest Information

Consumer Price Index

January 2009     136.0
December 2008       136.5


Inflation Rate

  • Increase over December 2008 -0.3%    

  • March 2008 - January 2009 +10.7%   

  • December 2008– January 2009 -0.3%

RATE OF GROWTH (change over preceding period) OF VALUE ADDED BY INDUSTRY September Quarter 2008
When compared to the previous quarter (June 2008) the economy remained relatively unchanged.
Producer Price Index

December 2007 to December 2008
Mining & Quarrying - (–8.1%)
Manufacturing - 14.1%

(click for larger image)


Subsequent data from the Statistical Institute of Jamaica on national accounts will reflect revisions to the Jamaican system of national accounts. These include:

  • Implementation of the United Nations 1993 System of National Accounts

  • Revision of the national accounts classification of industries

  • Revisions due to new and revised data
  • Change in the base year for the constant price estimates

  Job Vacancies

Supervisor - Printery



Using the ChildInfo software developed by UNICEF, STATIN in partnership with PIOJ and UNICEF Jamaica has created a comprehensive database that allows for tracking key development signposts...

The JamStats website ( was launched recently.

With the launch of the JamStats website you can access the:

  • 2008 JamStats database

  • Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2005 that was published in 2007

  • EduStats, which is the first customized database created for the Ministry of Education to track key indicators in the education sector.

Visitors to the JamStats website can also download updated databases and software, and keep up-to-date on JamStats activities.



  Our Vision

"To be a learning organization that is on the cutting edge of Information and Technology and is responsive to the needs of our clients."

  Our Mission

To provide relevant, timely and accurate statistical information and technical services, consistent with international standards, to national and international clients.

  Office Relocation in Kingston
  The Statistical Institute of Jamaica is pleased to announce that our offices were consolidated and relocated to 7 Cecelio Avenue, Kingston 10. The new telephone numbers and fax number are:

Tel: (876) 926-5311
Fax: (876) 926-1138

Latest Updates

Producer Price Index

Labour Force

Agriculture Census

Consumer Price Indices

External Trade Bulletin

Quarterly Gross Domestic Product


STATIN has the reputation for being one of the leading agencies in the provision of statistical data in the Caribbean.

In order for this position to be maintained the support and assistance of the entire population, the productive sector - public and private, formal and informal, are needed in the provision of accurate data on a timely basis.

The partnership will be beneficial to you as the provider, you will have a share in the final results and we will work with you to facilitate the data provision process.

To our data users, we are asking for your advice on the usefulness and relevance of the information being provided and what additional information you may require as we seek to serve you better.


Subsequent data from the Statistical Institute of Jamaica on national accounts will reflect revisions to the Jamaican system of national accounts.

These include:
  • Implementation of the United Nations 1993 System of National Accounts
  • Revision of the national accounts classification of industries
  • Revisions due to new and revised data
  • Change in the base year for the constant price estimates


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Last updated: March 6, 2009 . ©Copyright 2001-4 Statistical Institute of Jamaica. All rights Reserved.
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