NOAA Satellite and Information Service
National Oceanographic Data Center
What's New
   What's GTSPP
   Related Links
Access GTSPP Data
   User-Defined Data Sets
   Real-Time Data Sets
   Best Copy Data Sets
   Reports to IODE/JCOMM
   GTSPP Meeting Reports
   WOCE UOT Meeting Reports
   Data Processing
   Data Quality Control
   Data Format Description
      ASCII Format
      NetCDF Format
   Code Tables
      Parameter Codes
      GTSPP Codes
      WMO Codes
      Platform/Ship Codes
         Call Signs: 0-9
         Call Signs: A-J
         Call Signs: K-P
         Call Signs: Q Part 1
         Call Signs: Q Part 2
         Call Signs: Q Part 3
         Call Signs: R-Z
         Platform Codes: 06-30
         Platform Codes: 31-32
         Platform Codes: 33
         Platform Codes: 34-53
         Platform Codes: 54-ZZ
         Platform Names: 1-C
         Platform Names: D-G
         Platform Names: H-K
         Platform Names: L-T
         Platform Names: U-U
         Platform Names: V-Z
details at right»

>> FAQ

How to determine whether or not to depth correct the XBT data.
The most recent version of the GTSPP best copy files now include parameters other than temperature and salinity. The files also include information to assist users in determining whether or not to depth correct the XBT data. The best copy files have a DPC$ in the surfacecodes group with codes of DPC$ 01, 02, or 03.
The "DPC$" code have the following states:
01 = Known Probe Type, Needs Correction,
02 = Known Probe Type, No need to Correct,
03 = Unknown Probe Type, Not enough information to know what to do, leave alone
How can I extract a "tar.gz" or ".tgz" file?
Files with extension "tar.gz" or ".tgz" are tar files compressed with gzip. On Unix/Linux extract them with:
gunzip < file.tar.gz | tar -xvf - or gunzip < file.tgz | tar xvf -
What is data type, TSEAC?"
TESAC is the name of the code for reporting observations of temperature, salinity and current from a sea station.(*)
Why does NODC have two ocean profile databases?
Having two related profile databases may seem unnecessary and redundant but both of these databases serve critical and complementary roles. The first is the Global Temperature-Salinity Profile Program (GTSPP) which contains temperature and salinity data, and the second is the World Ocean Database (WOD) which contains data from over 20 variables. Click details to see how else they differ. Details...
  Last modified:    Wed, 8-Oct-2008 14:19 UTC
Dept. of Commerce - NOAA - NESDIS - NODC
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   Government by following an external link. - The U.S. Government's Web Portal