B. Acknowledgement

Supplementary Handbook on the C-175 Process: Routine Science and Technology Agreements
Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs
January 2001

Under the leadership of Undersecretary for Global Affairs Frank Loy, Presidential Management Intern Selma Gomez was initially assigned to draft a document to streamline the C-175 process. Her work provided the core concepts and starting point from which this document evolved. After Selma's departure in June 2000, Mike Landolfa in the Office of Science and Technology Cooperation in the Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs (OES/STC) took responsibility for the project until it was assigned to me in October. I had the privilege to work with Mike in consultation with Duncan Hollis and Melanie Khanna in the Treaty Office of the Office of the Legal Adviser and the OES's Office of Legal Adviser, respectively. I am very grateful to Mike, Duncan, and Melanie for their valuable comments and unfailing support during the drafting and review process.

Under the guidance of OES/STC Director Bill Gaines, I was able to profit from the expertise and talents of my colleagues. John Crowley, our most experienced officer in the C-175 Process, was there to advise me on a wide range of issues. I appreciate his undivided attention when I needed his consultation and input. Al Streeter has always been a supportive critic as well. Other officers in the OES Bureau and Dianne Graham in the Office of the Undersecretary for Global Affairs have been very generous in their comments and feedback. I thank them sincerely for their contribution and support.

In November and December, representatives from Federal departments and technical agencies were invited to two interagency working group sessions. Participants included the Agency for International Development (David Hales); Center for Disease Control (Jim Hughes); Department of Treasury (Brian Crowe); Department of Agriculture (Richard Parry); Department of Commerce (Carlos Monteulien and John Raubitschek); Department of Energy (Harold Jeffe and Wanda Klimkiewicz); Department of Transportation (Laura Trejo); Environmental Protection Agency (Alan Ehrlich, Jocelyn Adkins, Alan Hecht, Pat Koshel, Joseph Freedman, and Steve Wolfson); National Aeronautic and Space Administration (Harry Lupuloff, Lorie Pesonen, and Lynn Cline); National Institute for Standards and Technology (Claire Saundry); National Institutes of Health (Amar Bhat, Richard Lambert, and Sudha Srinivasan); National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (Glen Tallia, Matthew Borgia, Ole Varmer, and Susan Ware-Harris); National Science Foundation (Anita Eisenstadt, Christine Galitzine, Lou Brown, and Pierre Perrolle); Office of Management and Budget (Anthony Wire and Jim Nix); Patent and Trade Office (Alice Zalik and Jasemine Chambers); U.S. Geological Survey (Elaine Padovani); U.S. Trade Representatives (John Desrocher and Stephen Kho); and the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (Gerald Hane and Wendy Hall).

During the interagency process, many representatives and attorneys who have extensive experience in the C-175 process shared comments and concerns of their respective agencies. My colleagues and I worked hard to address their issues and to reach a consensus. Without their feedback and support, this Supplementary Handbook would not have taken this form and would certainly have been less useful to our agency customers. My colleagues and I thank each participant for their contribution during the consultative interagency process.

Overall, this has been a collaborative effort. STC extends its special thanks to our colleagues in the OES Bureau, the Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs, Office of Legal Adviser for Treaty Affairs, Office of Legal Advisor for OES, and the Office of Science and Technology Adviser to the Secretary for their support and contribution. We would also welcome further comments and reviews of this evolving Supplementary Handbook.

Patrick Mendis
Office of Science and Technology Cooperation
