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Ecosystems / Habitats

The Mississippi River and its floodplain have been greatly modified for multiple uses, including navigation, hydropower, flood control, agriculture, and urban development. These modifications provide benefits to society, but often reduce the well being of fish, wildlife, and other biological resources, many of which are within National Wildlife Refuges or other public lands. Anticipated increases in human encroachment and use could further alter the ecological structure and functioning of the Upper Mississippi. Integrated management of the biological and socio-economic systems within the Mississippi and other large river systems is needed but is hampered by a lack of basic understanding of river ecology.

The Center conducts research on ecological processes as affected by human alterations and management actions. Specific research examines the effects of navigation and impoundment on riverine fishes, traces the sources and flows of energy supporting biological production in rivers, evaluates the effects of water-level management on riverine biota and navigation, and characterizes the dynamics of river hydrology and biota.
Project Title
Steven Gutreuter
Development of models for ecological investigation and management of the Upper Mississippi River System
Barry Johnson
Bioassessment of the Finger Lakes Habitat Rehabilitation and Enhancement Project: Responses of fish and aquatic invertebrates
Barry Johnson
Evaluation of water level reduction as a habitat management tool for the Upper Mississippi River
Kenneth Lubinski
Analysis of land cover changes in selected side channels of the Mississippi River
Kenneth Lubinski
Ecocriteria to measure the health of the Upper Mississippi River
Kenneth Lubinski
Ecological Status and Trends in the Upper Mississippi River System (1998)
Obtain and summarize five annual increments of limnological monitoring data for selected reaches of the Upper Mississippi River System
The limnology and ecology of off-channel areas in the Upper Mississippi River System
Kevin Hop
USGS-NPS Vegetation Mapping Program

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Page Contact Information: Contacting the Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center
Page Last Modified: October 2, 2007