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Bathymetric data for the Upper Mississippi River System

Overview of mapping

The Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center has collected bathymetric data through funding from the Long Term Resource Monitoring Program since 1989.

An overview of the bathymetry mapping conducted by UMESC can be found in the Project Status Report "Bathymetry Data for the Upper Mississippi River" (.pdf format) .
Bathymetric data are collected with an automatic survey system and processed in a Geographical Information System (GIS). Through interpolation the individual points of water depth are converted into a water depth map.

GIS data are downloadable through UMESC's Navigation Pool Data web pages.

Methods documentation
Status of completed pools
Downloadable GIS data
Viewable data - maps / summary graphics
Examples of studies utilizing bathymetric data
Frequently asked questions
2-D color-coded map contour map 3-D color-coded map

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Page Contact Information: Contacting the Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center
Page Last Modified: October 2, 2007