U.S. Census Bureau
 Survey of Market Absorption of Apartments (SOMA)


The Survey of Market Absorption (SOMA), sponsored by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), uses the Census Bureau’s Survey of Construction (SOC) as its sampling base. Each month, a sample of residential buildings containing five or more units is selected for SOMA. The initial 3-month interview collects information on amenities, rent or sales price levels, number of units, type of building, and the number of units taken off the market (absorbed). Field representatives conduct subsequent interviews, if necessary, at 6, 9, and 12 months after completion. Beginning in 2002, the survey started collecting information on “Senior Housing”.

Basic tabulations are released on the Internet and in a printed report. Additionally, data on absorption rates for selected metropolitan areas are released only on the Internet. Detailed information is provided for regular rental units and condominiums. There are also two annual releases, the H-131 Characteristics of Apartments Report which provides annual 3-month absorption rates, and the H-130 Annual which provides 12-month absorption data.

Contact Alan Friedman at 301-763-3199 or mail to alan.friedman@census.gov for further information on the Survey of Market Absorption of Apartments Data.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Housing and Household Economic Statistics Division
Last Revised: November 15, 2004