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July 24, 2008

Headline News

Sales of New One-Family Houses in June 2008 Were at a Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate of 530,000. (Released July 25, 2008)

New Orders for Manufactured Durable Goods in June Increased $1.6 Billion or 0.8 Percent to $215.4 Billion. (Released July 25, 2008)

Census Bureau Reports on Residential Vacancies and Homeownership. (Released July 24, 2008)

Census Bureau Says 1.5 Million Texans in Tropical Storm Dolly’s Path. (Released July 22, 2008)

Facts for Features: Unmarried and Single Americans Week (September 21-27, 2008). (Released July 21, 2008)

Privately-Owned Housing Starts in June 2008 Were at a Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate of 1,066,000. (Released July 17, 2008)

US Total Business Sales for May Were $1,189.4 Billion, Up 0.8 Percent From Last Month. (Released July 15, 2008)

US Retail and Food Service Sales for June Reached $384.2 Billion. (Released July 15, 2008)

2008 Release Schedule for American Community Survey Data. (Released July 15, 2008)

The Geographic Distribution and Characteristics of Older Workers in Kentucky: 2004. (PDF - 1.58 MB). (Released July 14, 2008)

The Nation's International Deficit in Goods and Services Decreased to $59.8 Billion in May From $60.5 Billion (Revised) in April. (Released July 11, 2008)


Fact of the Day

Unmarried and Single Americans Week (September 21-27, 2008)

In 2006, there were 92 million unmarried Americans 18 and older - 42 percent of all US residents 18 and older. Of unmarried Americans 18 and older, 60 percent have never been married. For every 100 unmarried women in the United States, there are 86 unmarried men 18 and older. These facts regarding unmarried and single Americans (and many more!) come from our recently released publication, America's Families and Living Arrangements.


Hot Tip

Release Schedule for 2007 American Community Survey Data

The US Census Bureau will release data from the 2007 American Community Survey (ACS) beginning August 26, 2008. Similar to last year's release, the 2007 ACS will include one-year estimates available for the nation, 50 states and the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, every congressional district and all counties, places, and metropolitan areas with populations of 65,000 or more. See the press release for information regarding further ACS releases this year, including three-year estimates showing mid-size population areas (20,000 - 64,999).


Recently Released


Subcounty Population Estimates: July 1, 2007. Internet tables providing population estimates (as of July 1, 2007) for the nation's incorporated places (cities, towns, villages, and boroughs).

Voting and Registration in the Election of November 2006. Report (PDF - 589K) and tables available online providing a detailed look at registration and participation in the most recent congressional election. Provides the characteristics of those who voted, those who registered, and a look at the reasons why people who were registered did not vote. Find out who were the likeliest voters based on region, education, income, employment, race and Hispanic origin, and other factors.

Latest Economic Indicators

U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services: May 2008. Press release showing monthly exports, general imports (including data by country), and limited data on imports for consumption.

Advance Monthly Sales for Retail and Food Services: June 2008. Press release presenting advance monthly estimates of retail store sales by kind-of-business groups. Report includes seasonally adjusted estimates and percentage changes for major kind-of-business groups.

Manufacturing and Trade: Inventories and Sales: May 2008. Press release showing sales, inventories, and inventories-to-sales ratios for the combined domestic activities of retailers, wholesalers, and manufacturers.

Housing Starts and Building Permits: June 2008. Press release showing data for housing starts, completions, and building permits.

Housing Vacancies: 2nd Quarter 2008. Press release showing rental and homeowner vacancy rates and characteristics of units available for occupancy.

Advance Report on Durable Goods Manufactures' Shipments and Orders: June 2008. Press release showing advance information on key business indicators.

New Residential Sales: June 2008. Press release reporting new one-family houses sold and for sale. Includes sales prices, months on the market, and stage of construction.

Economic Census and Surveys

2006 County Business Patterns. The report provides data by county on the number of establishments, number of employees, and quarterly and annual payroll for the nation's 7.5 million businesses with employees.

Older Worker Profiles. Report (it will be released for each of over 30 states) provides a detailed picture of workers 55 and older at the county and metropolitan area levels for 2004. Based on data from the Local Employment Dynamics program, the report highlights the age of the states' work force, job gains, and losses, industries in which older workers are concentrated, job stability, and earnings. The following states are available as of the publish date of this newsletter:

Iowa (PDF - 1.31 MB)
Maine (PDF - 1.45 MB)
Vermont (PDF - 762 KB)
Indiana (PDF - 1.53 MB)
Arkansas (PDF - 1.81 MB)
Hawaii (PDF - 558 KB)
Delaware (PDF - 464 KB)
Colorado (PDF - 779 KB)
Wisconsin (PDF - 766 KB)
New Jersey (PDF - 800 KB)
Maryland (PDF - 1.03 MB)
Kentucky (PDF - 1.58 MB)

Reference and Compendia

Facts for Features: Hispanic Heritage Month 2008: September 15 - October 15

Facts for Features: Anniversary of Americans with Disabilities Act (July 26)

Facts for Features: The Fourth of July

Facts for Features: Back to School: 2008-2009

Facts for Features: Labor Day (September 1)

Facts for Features: Grandparent's Day 2008 (September 7)

Facts for Features: Unmarried and Single Americans Week (Sept. 21-27).


Upcoming Releases


County Population Estimates by Age, Sex, Race, and Hispanic Origin: July 1, 2007. County-level population estimates.

Families and Living Arrangements: 2007. The latest look at our nation's married-couple and single-parent families, stay-at-home mothers and fathers, people who live alone, children who live with grandparents and more. Data, from the Current Population Survey, includes a breakdown by age, race and ethnic origin, as well as personal earnings and dependence on public assistance.

Fertility of American Women: 2006. The first Census Bureau report on fertility patterns of American women to use data from the American Community Survey, making it the first to include state-by-state comparisons of fertility characteristics. Data from the Current Population Survey are also included, permitting historical comparisons.

National Population Projections. Annual projections of the U.S. population, by age, race, and Hispanic origin, through the year 2050.

School Enrollment: 2006. Discusses school enrollment levels and trends in the population 3 and older. Report based on data collected in 2006 from the American Community Survey and the Current Population Survey.

What It's Worth: Field of Training and Economic Status: 2004. Series of tables from the Survey of Income and Program Participation examining the relationship between field of training and monthly earnings.

Economic Indicators

Construction Spending (Put-in-Place): June 2008. Press release showing estimates of the value of total new construction put-in-place by type of construction (residential and non-residential), annual value, and by type of owner (private and public). Scheduled for release August 1, 2008.

Manufacturer's Shipments, Inventories, and Orders: June 2008. Press release showing information on key business indicators. Shows revised durable goods totals, in addition to nondurable goods manufacturers' shipments, inventories, and orders. Scheduled for release August 4, 2008.

Economic Census and Surveys

2006 Nonemployer Statistics. Report provides data for the U.S., state, metro area, and county on the number of establishments and sales or receipts of businesses without paid employees that are subject to federal income tax.

Business Help Site. A wealth of useful information is available on the Census Bureau's Business Help Site to assist companies complete forms for more than a dozen monthly, quarterly and annual economic surveys, including assistance in filing electronically.

Top-Ranked States by Industry. A new web page helps promote the 2007 Economic Census highlighting facts from the 2002 Economic Census about every state by receipts per capita for every industry.

Reference and Compendia

Facts for Features

Model T Centennial. To commemorate the introduction of the car widely considered to be the most influential of the 20th century, the Census Bureau presents a collection of statistics examining the auto industry, new car sales and the prevalence of automobiles now and a century ago.


July 10, 2008

Headline News

New Orleans Population Continues Katrina Recovery; Houston Leads in Numerical Growth. (Released July 10, 2008)

Facts for Features: Hispanic Heritage Month 2008: September 15 - October 15. (Released July 10, 2008)

After-Tax Profits for Retail Corporations with Assets Greater than $50 Million Averaged 2.2 Cents Per Dollar of Sales for the First Quarter 2008, Down 1.0 Cents From the Average of 3.2 Cents for the Fourth Quarter 2007. (Released July 9, 2008)

May 2008 Sales of Merchant Wholesalers Were $397.4 Billion, Up 1.6 Percent From Last Month. End-of-Month Inventories Were $431.0 Billion, Up 0.8 Percent From Last Month. (Released July 8, 2008)

Facts for Features -- Grandparents Day 2008: September 7. (Released July 7, 2008)

As Firefighters in California Continue to Battle Wildfires, the Census Bureau Provides Data and Map Products to Show the Potential Impact on the Local Economy and Labor Force. (Released July 2, 2008)

New Orders for Manufactured Goods in May Increased $2.8 Billion or 0.6 Percent to $448.7 Billion. (Released July 2, 2008)

Total Construction Activity for May 2008 ($1,085.2 Billion) Was 0.4 Percent Below the Revised April 2008 ($1,089.3 Billion). (Released July 1, 2008)

Facts for Features - Labor Day 2008: September 1. (Released July 1, 2008)

Voter Turnout up 7 Million in 2006. (Released July 1, 2008)

A Gas Station for Every 2,500 People. (Released June 27, 2008)

U.S. Census Bureau's National Processing Center Celebrates 50th Anniversary. (Released June 26, 2008)


Fact of the Day

National Processing Center Turns 50

The National Processing Center opened its doors on July 1, 1958, as a temporary facility to prepare and process work for the censuses of business, manufacturers and minerals industry, and the 1960 Census. Fifty years later, NPC has grown into an ultramodern data processing facility that is now one of the largest employers in Southern Indiana. The NPC processes monthly, quarterly, and annual surveys which include demographic data, population statistics, economic indicators, housing statistics, business, construction, and foreign trade information, as well as others. For the 2010 Census, NPC is expected to process more than 60 million questionnaires.


Hot Tip

Census Data and Emergency Preparedness

While the wildfires in California continue to burn, the Census Bureau has updated its emergency preparedness site with custom analysis of the wildfire-impacted areas. The analysis includes maps and data that show the potential impact on the local economy and labor force. These timely data are designed to enhance the efforts of those involved in emergency planning, preparedness and recovery efforts.


Recently Released


Subcounty Population Estimates: July 1, 2007. Internet tables providing population estimates (as of July 1, 2007) for the nation's incorporated places (cities, towns, villages, and boroughs).

International Data Base Update: 2007. Internet files showing demographic indicators such as infant mortality, life expectancy, fertility rates, net migration, and population growth for 228 countries and areas of the world. Includes current estimates and moving population pyramids which project age and sex distributions to year 2050.

Voting and Registration in the Election of November 2006. Report (PDF - 589K) and tables available online providing a detailed look at registration and participation in the most recent congressional election. Provides the characteristics of those who voted, those who registered, and a look at the reasons why people who were registered did not vote. Find out who were the likeliest voters based on region, education, income, employment, race and Hispanic origin, and other factors.

Latest Economic Indicators

Construction Spending (Put-in-Place): May 2008. Press release showing estimates of the value of
total new construction put-in-place by type of construction (residential and non-residential), annual value, and by type of owner (private and public).

Manufacturer's Shipments, Inventories, and Orders: May 2008. Press release showing information on key business indicators. Shows revised durable goods totals, in addition to nondurable goods manufacturers' shipments, inventories, and orders.

Monthly Wholesale Trade: May 2008. Press release showing estimates for sales, inventories on a non-LIFO ("last in-first out") basis, and stock-sales ratios for merchant wholesalers by three-digit major kind-of-business groups.

Quarterly Financial Report - Retail Trade: 1st Quarter 2008. Press release shows second quarter
sales of large retail trade corporations. Includes large U.S. retailers' after-tax profits.

Economic Census and Surveys

2006 County Business Patterns. The report provides data by county on the number of establishments, number of employees, and quarterly and annual payroll for the nation's 7.5 million businesses with employees.

Older Worker Profiles. Report (it will be released for each of over 30 states) provides a detailed picture of workers 55 and older at the county and metropolitan area levels for 2004. Based on data from the Local Employment Dynamics program, the report highlights the age of the states' work force, job gains, and losses, industries in which older workers are concentrated, job stability, and earnings. The following states are available as of the publish date of this newsletter:

Reference and Compendia

Facts for Features: Hispanic Heritage Month 2008: Sept. 15 - Oct. 15

Facts for Features: Anniversary of Americans with Disabilities Act (July 26)

Facts for Features: The Fourth of July

Facts for Features: Back to School: 2008-2009

Facts for Features: Labor Day (September 1)

Facts for Features: Grandparent's Day 2008 (September 7)


Upcoming Releases


Families and Living Arrangements: 2007. The latest look at our nation's married-couple and single-parent families, stay-at-home mothers and fathers, people who live alone, children who live with grandparents and more. Data, from the Current Population Survey, includes a breakdown by age, race and ethnic origin, as well as personal earnings and dependence on public assistance.

Fertility of American Women: 2006. The first Census Bureau report on fertility patterns of American women to use data from the American Community Survey, making it the first to include state-by-state comparisons of fertility characteristics. Data from the Current Population Survey are also included, permitting historical comparisons.

National Population Projections. What will our nation look like demographically at mid-century? Annual projections of the U.S. population, by age, race, and Hispanic origin, through the year 2050, will reveal the answer.

What It's Worth: Field of Training and Economic Status: 2004. Series of tables from the Survey of Income and Program Participation examining the relationship between field of training and monthly earnings.

Economic Indicators

U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services: May 2008. Press release showing monthly exports, general imports (including data by country), and limited data on imports for consumption. Scheduled for release July 11, 2008.

Advance Monthly Sales for Retail and Food Services: June 2008. Press release presenting advance monthly estimates of retail store sales by kind-of-business groups. Report includes seasonally adjusted estimates and percentage changes for major kind-of-business groups. Scheduled for release July 15, 2008.

Manufacturing and Trade: Inventories and Sales: May 2008. Press release showing sales, inventories, and inventories-to-sales ratios for the combined domestic activities of retailers, wholesalers, and manufacturers. Scheduled for release July 15, 2008.

Housing Starts and Building Permits: June 2008. Press release showing data for housing starts, completions, and building permits. Scheduled for release July 17, 2008.

Housing Vacancies: 2nd Quarter 2008. Press release showing rental and homeowner vacancy rates and characteristics of units available for occupancy. Scheduled for release July 24, 2008.

Advance Report on Durable Goods Manufacturers' Shipments, Inventories, and Orders: June 2008. Press release showing advance information on key business indicators. Scheduled for release July 25, 2008.

New Residential Sales: June 2008. Press release reporting new one-family houses sold and for sale. Includes sales prices, months on the market, and stage of construction. Scheduled for release July 25, 2008.

Economic Census and Surveys

Business Help Site. A wealth of useful information is available on the Census Bureau's Business Help Site to assist companies complete forms for more than a dozen monthly, quarterly and annual economic surveys, including assistance in filing electronically.

Top-Ranked States by Industry. A new web page helps promote the 2007 Economic Census highlighting facts from the 2002 Economic Census about every state by receipts per capita for every industry.

Reference and Compendia

Facts for Features: Unmarried and Single Americans Week (Sept. 21-27). The third full week of September is dedicated to celebrating the nation's singles and their contributions to society. The Census Bureau presents statistics about this group from its demographic and economic subject areas.