United States National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health

Images from the History of Medicine (IHM)

Question: How do I search for words that contain special characters, such as accent marks, ampersands, apostrophes, parentheses, etc.?

At this time, it is not possible to search for words that contain accent marks in the Search IHM box. You must use Advanced Search, Browse All, and Browse Categories to search for known terms that contain accent marks.

In the Search IHM box, which uses "Similar To" searching for keywords, it is possible to omit the "apostrophe s" (`s) from possessive words, and still retrieve the desired search term. However, when entering a phrase enter the apostrophe exactly as it appears in the phrase.

Example: morse compound syrup and "morse`s compound syrup" both retrieve the same results.

To search for a phrase that contains an ampersand (&), such as a MeSH topical qualifier, enter the phrase with the ampersand exactly as it appears in the phrase.

Example: "prevention & control"

In Advanced Search "Equals" searches, to search for a term that is adjacent to a quotation mark, ", square bracket, [or], or parenthesis, (or), enter the special character with the word. Special characters are considered part of the word, so the word cannot be retrieved without the special character.

Examples:         [title page         "I thought         (Sir

Note: In the Search IHM box, which uses "Similar To" searching for keywords, and with Advanced Search options "Starts With" and "Similar To", it is not necessary to include special characters.

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Last reviewed: 21 April 2009
Last updated: 21 April 2009
First published: 21 April 2009
Metadata| Permanence level: Permanence Not Guaranteed