United States National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health

Images from the History of Medicine (IHM)

Question: How do I use my Media Group in a PowerPoint® presentation?

  1. Select Presentations located under Create in the menu bar.
  2. Complete the presentation properties form and click Save.
  3. Click Open in Workspace.
  4. At the bottom of the page, under the Media tab, select from the pull-down menu the Media Group you would like to use in your presentation.
  5. In the top right corner of the page click Create Slide. You will be prompted to provide a description for each slide you create.
  6. Drag images from the Media Group you selected and drop them into the slides.
  7. Once you have created all of your slides, click Presentation in the top left corner of the page where you will then be able to reorder, delete, edit, and clone slides, as well as export your slides as a PowerPoint® or Keynote presentation. When you select the desired format, a file will be generated for you to save onto your computer.

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Last reviewed: 21 April 2009
Last updated: 21 April 2009
First published: 21 April 2009
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