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Census Product Catalog

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1982 Census of Manufactures

Availability: CD-ROM containing an array of data from the 1982 Economic Census.

Product ID: C1-E82-CMFG-26-US1 Released April 7, 2005

1) Fuels and Electric Energy Consumed - Data by four-digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) level for the United States and by two-digit SIC level for states and standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSA's). SMSA's included in this file are those designated as of December 1977.

2) Geographic Area and Industry File - Data for the United States, states, and the District of Columbia, standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSA's), counties, and selected places (includes places with 450 manufacturing employees of more).

3) Location of Manufacturing Plants - Data for the states, counties, and places of 2,500 inhabitants or more.

4) Product and Materials File - Data for the United States total only.

Subject content: Data vary by series. Generally the Census of Manufactures collected data on establishments, number of employees, revenues, value of shipping cost of materials, and many other variables.

Geography: Coverage varies by series. See descriptions above.

File format: ASCII and PDF

Ordering information

Census contact: Customer Services Center (orders), 301-763-INFO (4636); Manufacturing and Construction Division (content), 301-763-4673.

Source: US Census Bureau | Customer Liaison & Marketing Services | Customer Services Center