Climate Response Network

Virginia Climate Response Network

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VIRGINIA 1.               Site: 363928076332901 - 58B 13
Period of Record: 1975-03-01 - 2008-10-07
               Aquifer: QUATERNARY SYSTEM
                 Depth: 15.0 2.               Site: 364126076003501 - 62B  1 SOW 098A
Period of Record: 1979-06-29 - 2008-10-21
               Aquifer: QUATERNARY SYSTEM
                 Depth: 24.0 3.               Site: 370712076413203 - 57E 13 SOW 094C
Period of Record: 1978-07-20 - 2009-01-30
               Aquifer: UPPER CHESAPEAKE GROUP
                 Depth: 46.0 4.               Site: 370812080261901 - 27F  2 SOW 019
Period of Record: 1953-07-01 - 2008-12-16
               Aquifer: ELBROOK FORMATION
                 Depth: 450.00 5.               Site: 370841076275204 - 59F 74 SOW 184C
Period of Record: 1990-06-13 - 2008-12-12
               Aquifer: QUATERNARY SYSTEM
                 Depth: 20.00 6.               Site: 371644077244601 - 51G  1
Period of Record: 1939-10-10 - 2009-01-21
               Aquifer: PETERSBURG GRANITE
                 Depth: 100 7.               Site: 371653079552101 - 31G  1 SOW 008
Period of Record: 1966-08-20 - 2009-02-03
               Aquifer: ROME FORMATION
                 Depth: 55.0 8.               Site: 372608078404601 - 41H  3
Period of Record: 1971-03-30 - 2008-12-10
               Aquifer: WISSAHICKON FORMATION
                 Depth: 54.0 9.               Site: 372705075555903 - 63H  6 SOW 103A
Period of Record: 1977-09-28 - 2008-12-15
               Aquifer: QUATERNARY SYSTEM
                 Depth: 37.00 10.               Site: 373737077083201 - 53K 19 SOW 080
Period of Record: 1978-01-15 - 2009-02-12
               Aquifer: UPPER CHESAPEAKE GROUP
                 Depth: 35.0 11.               Site: 373758079271601 - 35K  1 SOW 063
Period of Record: 1964-02-25 - 2009-02-17
               Aquifer: ROME FORMATION
                 Depth: 700 12.               Site: 375723075344404 - 66M 19 SOW 110S
Period of Record: 1978-09-01 - 2008-11-20
               Aquifer: QUATERNARY SYSTEM
                 Depth: 36.00 13.               Site: 381002078094201 - 45P  1 SOW 030
Period of Record: 1965-02-20 - 2008-12-16
               Aquifer: EVINGTON GROUP
                 Depth: 98.0 14.               Site: 381132076551001 - 55P  9
Period of Record: 1977-07-28 - 2009-02-09
               Aquifer: QUATERNARY SYSTEM
                 Depth: 22.6 15.               Site: 382150078424001 - 41Q  1
Period of Record: 1970-08-17 - 2009-02-12
               Aquifer: CONOCOCHEAGUE LIMESTONE
                 Depth: 310 16.               Site: 383423077245901 - 51S  7
Period of Record: 1973-09-24 - 2009-02-11
               Aquifer: CAMBRIAN SYSTEM
                 Depth: 490.00 17.               Site: 385607077381101 - 49V  1
Period of Record: 1968-11-07 - 2009-02-11
               Aquifer: JURASSIC SYSTEM
                 Depth: 165.00 18.               Site: 385638077220101 - 52V  2D
Period of Record: 1976-10-28 - 2009-02-11
               Aquifer: MANASSASS SANDSTONE
                 Depth: 205 19.               Site: 390348078035501 - 46W175
Period of Record: 1987-03-17 - 2009-02-12
               Aquifer: CONOCOCHEAGUE LIMESTONE
                 Depth: 80.40 20.               Site: 391413078071201 - 46X110
Period of Record: 2002-11-05 - 2009-02-12
               Aquifer: BEEKMANTOWN GROUP
                 Depth: 550 21.               Site: 391542077423801 - 49Y  1 SOW 022
Period of Record: 1963-11-19 - 2009-02-11
               Aquifer: PRECAMBRIAN ERATHEM
                 Depth: 516

Map generated 3/4/2009 8:32:21 AM

  Ground-Water Watch Help Page
Note: Color shading in the table below indicates multiple wells that plot as a single point on the state location map above.
Note: BLS = Water Level in Feet Below Land Surface, AVD = Water Level in Feet Above Vertical Datum
Site ID Site NameMost Recent
Local Aquifer
1 363928076332901 58B 137.70 BLS 3/3/2009  15.0   Quaternary System
2 364126076003501 62B 1 SOW 098A1.43 BLS 3/3/2009  24.0   Quaternary System
3 370712076413203 57E 13 SOW 094C8.85 BLS 3/3/2009  46.0   Upper Chesapeake Group
4 370812080261901 27F 2 SOW 0195.14 BLS 3/3/2009  450.0   Elbrook Formation
5 370841076275204 59F 74 SOW 184C6.96 BLS 3/3/2009  20.0   Quaternary System
6 371644077244601 51G 115.31 BLS 3/3/2009  100.0   Petersburg Granite
7 371653079552101 31G 1 SOW 00818.61 BLS 3/3/2009  55.0   Rome Formation
8 372608078404601 41H 324.97 BLS 3/3/2009  54.0   Wissahickon Formation
9 372705075555903 63H 6 SOW 103A7.52 BLS 3/3/2009  37.0   Quaternary System
10 373737077083201 53K 19 SOW 08019.65 BLS 3/3/2009  35.0   Upper Chesapeake Group
11 373758079271601 35K 1 SOW 06326.55 BLS 3/3/2009  700.0   Rome Formation
12 375723075344404 66M 19 SOW 110S9.26 BLS 3/3/2009  36.0   Quaternary System
13 381002078094201 45P 1 SOW 03027.49 BLS 3/3/2009  98.0   Evington Group
14 381132076551001 55P 95.15 BLS 3/3/2009  22.6   Quaternary System
15 382150078424001 41Q 181.93 BLS 3/3/2009  310.0   Conococheague Limestone
16 383423077245901 51S 76.28 BLS 3/3/2009  490.0   Cambrian System
17 385607077381101 49V 18.97 BLS 3/2/2009  165.0   Jurassic System
18 385638077220101 52V 2D14.98 BLS 3/3/2009  205.0   Manassass Sandstone
19 390348078035501 46W17539.48 BLS 3/3/2009  80.4   Conococheague Limestone
20 391413078071201 46X11044.04 BLS 3/3/2009  550.0   Beekmantown Group
21 391542077423801 49Y 1 SOW 02260.21 BLS 3/3/2009  516.0   Precambrian Erathem

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Last update: Wednesday, March 04, 2009 at 08:32