World War 1 Maps

December  2002

Prepared by Terry Kiss
Air University Library
Maxwell AFB, AL


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All sites last accessed December 9, 2002.

Internet Resources

The Great War 1914-1918
Available online at:
General map of the Western front. Ulster Division's attack. Thiepval nowadays.

The Great War and the Shaping of the 20th Century
Available online at:
A slide show of a 13 maps; a chronology of the Great War from 1914-1918.

McMurry, Frank M. The Geography of the Great War.. New York, Macmillan, 1919.
Available online at:

The Versailles Treaty
Available online at:
Europe and Asia Minor in 1914. 
Europe and Asia Minor in 1924. 
Germany in 1919. Mandates in Africa in 1919. 
Mandates in the Pacific in 1919. 
Former German Cables in 1919. 
Mid East after Sevres in 1920. 
Mandates in Arabia in 1920. 
Wilson's US tour in Sep 1919.

World War I Trenches on the Web: An Internet History of the Great War.
Available online at:
25 maps of various regions, battles and theaters of operation. Included are some trench maps. Some maps are zoomable. All are very detailed.


Please note: A call number beginning with "R" denotes a reference book. Check the online catalog for availability of additional copies.

Banks, Arthur. A Military Atlas of the First World War: A Map History of the War of 1914-18 on Land, at Sea and in the Air.. London, L. Cooper , 1989. 338 p.
Almost every page of this book is a map. There is a short introduction to each chapter followed by pages of maps, including naval battles, and airship and bombing raid maps. Organization charts, diagrams of equipment, weapons, ships and airships are also included, as well as other WWI information.
Book call no.: R 912.4 B218m

Belloc, Hilaire. The Elements of the Great War. New York, Hearst's International Library, 1915. 2 vols.
Numerous, small, black and white maps are included throughout the 2 volumes. These show fronts, campaigns, battles, and strategy.
Book call no.: 940.4 B41e

Center of Military History. American Armies and Battlefields in Europe: a History, Guide, and Reference Book. Washington, GPO, 1995. 547 p.
Extensive maps and sketches are found throughout the book. A list is found on p. ix. Three large folded maps in the back pocket show American operations in the Aisne-Marne, St. Mihiel, and the Meuse-Argonne region. The book is very thorough and focuses on the operations of the American forces.
Book call no.: 940.41273 A512a 1995

Churchill, Winston. The Unknown War: the Eastern Front. New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1931. 396 p.
A table of maps, diagrams, etc., is on p xiii. Over 50 small black and white maps are interspersed throughout the text. Many battle and situation maps.
Book call no.: 940.35 C563u

Corbett, Julian S. Naval Operations.. London, Longmans, Green , 1920-31. 5 vols.
Vol. 2 includes text and maps which are interspersed throughout the book and in the front and back book pockets. Vols. 1 & 3-5 are sets of large folded maps in book boxes; covering the naval operations of WWI.
Book call no.: 940.45 C81n

Cruttwell, Charles Robert Mowbray Fraser. A History of the Great War, 1914-1918. 2nd ed. Oxford, The Clarendon Press, 1940. 655 p.
A list of 34 maps is on p. ix. The 34 maps include political, battle and campaign maps.
Book call no.: 940.3 C957h 1940

Dane, Edmund. British Campaigns in the Nearer East, 1914-1918: From the Outbreak of War With Turkey to the Taking of Jerusalem, With 19 Maps and Plans.. London, Hodder and Stoughton, 331 p.
19 maps and plans are listed on p. xv.
Book call no.: 940.3496 D19b

Daniell, David S. World War I: An Illustrated History. London, E. Benn, 1965. 127 p.
Maps are listed on p. 5. These are small, black and white maps showing the fronts, major battles and campaigns and the raid on Zeebrugge.
Book call no.: 940.4 D185w

Easum, Chester V. Half-Century of Conflict. New York, Harper, 1952. 929 p.
The first part of this book deals with WWI. Maps are listed on page xv, many are fold out maps: 
Pacific and Southeast Asia, 1914, p. 8. 
Africa and World War I, p. 10. Europe, 1914, p. 19. 
Western Front, World War I, 1914-1918, p. 22. 
Treaty Adjustment and Occupation of Germany, p. 22. 
Eastern Front, 1914-1918, p. 24. 
Italian Front, World War I, p. 30. 
The Central Powers, World War I, 1914-1918, p. 32.
Book call no.: 909.82 E13h

Edmonds, James E. A Short History of World War I. London, Oxford University Press, 1951. 454 p.
A list of 34 maps is on p. xvii. Most are fold out size.
Book call no.: 940.3 E24s

Everett, Susanne. World War I: An Illustrated History. Chicago, Rand McNally, 1980. 256 p.
Black and white outline maps are scattered throughout the highly illustrated book. Both naval battles and land battles are depicted. A chart of casualty figures is included on page 248.
Book call no.: 940.3 E93w

Falkenhayn, Eric von. Die oberst Heeresleitung, 1914-1916: in ihren Wichtigsten Entschliessungen. Berlin, Germany, E.S. Mittler, 1920. 252 p.
7 large folded maps are in the back pocket. A list of these maps, in German, are on p. VIII.
Book call no.: 940.343 F192o

Falls, Cyril B. The First World War. London, Longmans, 1960. 421 p.
Maps are listed on p. xi . 25 black and white outline maps show various battles and offensives.
Book call no.: 940.3 F196f

Gilbert, Martin. Atlas of World War I. 2nd ed. New York, Oxford University Press, 1994. 164 p.
Contains well drawn, interesting maps of exceptional clarity that explore political, economic, military, social and cultural perspectives.
Book call no.: R 912.4 G465f 1994

Griess, Thomas E., ed. Atlas for the Great War. Wayne, N.J., Avery Pub. Group, 1986. 1 vol. (West Point Military History Series)
52 maps provide a graphical representation of the major campaigns of the war. The atlas was designed to support the book "The Great War".
Also available online at:
Book call no.: R 911.4 A8811

Halpern, Paul G. A Naval History of World War I. Annapolis, MD, Naval Institute Press, 1994. 591 p.
26 maps are listed on p. ix. Most of the maps are of the geographic areas that were of interest to the Navy during the war, rather than battle maps.
Book call no.: 940.45 H195n

Harbord, James G. The American Army in France 1917-1919. Boston, Little, Brown, 1936. 632 p.
List of maps is after p. xviii: 
Standing Between the Germans and Paris, p. 275. 
Second Division Aisne-Marne Offensive, July 18-19, 1919, p. 319. 
Aisne-Marne Offensive, July 18-Aug. 6, 1918, p. 341. 
Principal French Ports, Towns and Railroads Used by American Expeditionary Forces, p. 358. 
Diagram Illustrating the Flow of Supplies in the American Expeditionary forces, p. 382. 
St. Mihiel Offensive, Sept. 12-16, 1918, p. 406. 
Plan of Attack of First Army, Sept. 26, 1918, p. 434. 
Plan of Attack of First Army, Nov. 1, 1918, p. 453. 
Meuse-Argonne Offensive, Sept. 26-Nov. 11, 1918, p. 460.
Book call no.: 940.373 H22am

Holt, Tonie and Holt, Valmai. Battlefields of the First World War: A Traveller's Guide. London, Pavilion, 1993. 186 p.
20 maps are listed on the back of the contents page. This book is a guide to the most visited battlefields of WWI. Each chapter provides a compact commentary upon the events leading up to the battle, aims and tactics of the commanders and a description of the battle.
Book call no.: 940.4 H758b

Howland, Charles R. A Military History of the World War, Vol. II. Fort Leavenworth, KS, The General Service Schools Press, 1923. 2 vols.
Vol. II is is a map box containing150 loose leaf large maps, covering plans, operations, situations, results, and all phases of WWI. A list of all the maps is included in the box.
Book call no.: 940.4 H84

Hunter, T. M. Marchal Foch: a Study in Leadership. Ottawa, Canada, Directorate of Military Training, Army Headquarters, 1961. 250 p.
Maps are listed on p. 8: 
The Lorraine Frontier, 2-28 August 1914, p. 47. 
Foch's Command in the Battle of the Marne, 1-10 Sept, 1914, p. 57. 
The Battles of Yser and of Ypres, 1914-1915, p. 71. 
The Somme, 1916, p. 109. 
The German Offensives, 21 March - 15 July 1918, p. 182. 
The Allied Drive to Victory, 18 July-11 November 1918, p. 212.
Book call no.: BIOGRAPHY 92 F68h

Johnson, Douglas W. Battlefields of the World War, Western and Southern Fronts: A Study in Military Geography. New York, Oxford University Press, 1921. 648 p. (American Geographical Society Research Series, No. 3)
Maps are interspersed throughout the book, many describing terrain and geological features. There are loose maps in a vol. 2 folio. Maps are grouped in the following categories: 
Battlefield of Flanders. 
Battlefield of the Somme. 
Battlefield of the Marne. 
Battlefield of Verdun. 
Battlefield of Lorraine. 
Battlefield of the Trentino. 
Battlefield of the Isonzo. 
Battlefield of the Balkans. 
Topographic maps, block diagrams, panoramas and other illustrations are included in the vol. 2 folio.
Book call no.: 940.41 J62b

Jones, Henry A. The War in the Air; Being the Story of the Part Played in the Great War by the Roal Air Force. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1922-1937. 6 vols.
Extensive coverage of the British in WWI. Maps are found throughout all the volumes. Volume 5 is a hard folio of 28 large maps in the following categories: 
Airship Raids, 1917. 
Airship Raids, 1918. 
Aeroplane Raids, 1917. 
Aeroplane Raids, 1918. 
Maps #6, #11, and #12 are missing.
Book call no.: 940.442 J77wa

Keegan, John. First World War.. New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 1999. 475 p.
Maps are listed on p. ix: 
The Schlieffen Plan, p. 31. 
The German Advance, 1914, p. 114. 
The Western Front, 1914-18, p. 124-25. 
The Eastern Front, 1914-18, p. 143. 
Germany's African Territories, p. 209. 
The War in the Middle East, p. 220. 
Gallipoli, p. 235. 
The Campaign in Serbia, 1915, p. 252. 
Jutland and the War in the North Sea, p. 271. 
The Battle of Verdun, p. 280. 
The Battle of the Somme, p. 287. 
The Brusilov Offensive, p. 305. 
The Eastern Front, 1917-18, p. 342. 
The War in Italy, 1915-18, p. 345.
The German Offensives, 1918, p. 397.
Book call no.: 940.3 K26f

Landman, Jacob H. World Since 1914. 10 ed. revised. New York, Barnes & Noble, 1957. 420 p. (College Outline Series)
Political maps showing Europe before, during and after the war are listed on page xi: 
Europe, 1914--Europe 1918, p. 1. 
The Western Front, p. 17. 
The Eastern Front, p. 19. 
The Rhineland, p. 33. 
Areas Causing Tension in Europe, p. 40. 
Governmental Structure of the USSR, p. 107. 
Germany in 1914 and 1919, p. 122. 
Germany's Foreign Policy, p. 129. 
Linguistic Map of the Succession States, p. 172. 
Russia's Border Countries, p. 194. 
The Balkans, p. 207. 
The Near East and Central Asia, p. 229. 
The Far East, p. 253. 
Africa, 1914--Africa, 1939, p. 265.
Book call no.: 909.82 L23n 1957

Lattre, Jean de. The History of the French First Army. London, Allen and Unwin, 1952. 532 p.
17 maps are listed on p. 19: 
Conquest of the Island of Elba, p. 41. 
The Capture of Toulon, p. 80. 
The Liberation of Marseilles, p. 112. 
The Capture of Autun, p. 147. 
The Battle of Bosges, p. 208. 
The Forcing of the Belfort Gap and the Victory in Upper Alsace, p. 240. 
The German Reaction and the Burnhaupt Manoeuvre, p. 263. 
The Operations of December 1944, p. 289. 
The Battle South of Strasbourg, p. 327. 
The Battle North of Strasbourg, p. 411. 
The Conquest of the Loopholes on the Rhine, p. 411. 
The Forcing of the Anne-Marie Line, p. 412. 
The Entry into Germany--the Crossing of the Lauter and the Forcing of the Siegfried Line, p. 416. 
The Crossing of the Rhine and the Capture of Karlsruhe, p. 432. 
The Freudenstadt Manoeuvre and the Annihilation of the German 19th and 24th Armies, p. 450. 
The Meeting of 'Dragoon" and 'Overlord' and the Pursuit up the Valleys of the Rhone and Saone, end book pocket. 
The Battlle of Colmar, end book pocket.
Book call no.: 940.541 L364h

Livesey, Anthony. The Historical Atlas of World War I. New York, H. Holt, 1994. 192 p.
More than 100 full color maps with topographical detail tracing the development of all the major campaigns. Organized by year, with chronologies, timelines, narratives and maps.
Book call no.: R 940.41 L785h

Marshall, S. L. A. World War I. New York, American Heritage Press, 1971. 497 p.
A list of 25 maps can be found on the back of the title page. Small black and white maps show various offensive drives of the Allies and the Germans.
Book call no.: 940.3 M369a 1971

McEntee, Girard L. Military History of the World War; a Complete Account of the Campaigns on all Fronts, Accompanied by 456 Maps and Diagrams. New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1937. 583 p.
Illustrations, and maps, are listed on pp xvii-xxii: Battle maps, operations maps, campaign maps, military planning maps, and situation maps are included.
Book call no.: 940.4 M15m

Sellman, Roger R. The First World War. Maps by the Author. New York, Criterion, 1962. 160 p.
A concise account of WWI. 23 maps are listed on p. 11.
Book call no.: 940.3 S467f

Snyder, Jack L. The Ideology of the Offensive: Military Decision Making and the Disasters of 1914. Ithaca, NY, Cornell University Press, 1984. 267 p.
Western front, August 1914, p. 45. 
German Plan and the Marne Campaign, 1914, p. 47. 
East Prussia, p. 110. 
Eastern Front in 1915, p. 118. 
Russian Plans A and G for the Prussian and Austrian Campaigns, p. 158.
Book call no.: 355.430904 S675i

Souza, Charles de. Germany in Defeat: a Strategic History of the War. First Phase.. London, K. Paul, Trench, Trubner , 1916-1919. 4 vols.
Each volume has a list of maps after the contents page. There are about 20-25 small black and white maps in each volume.
Book call no.: 940.402 So8g

Stegemann, Hermann. World War, 1919-1918. Stuttgart, Germany, Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 1917-1921. 4 vols.
German maps show the Western front campaigns. Individual folded maps are in the back pocket of each of the four volumes.
Book call no.: 940.3 S817h

Terraine, John. White Heat: The New Warfare 1914-1918. London, Sidgwick & Jackson, 1982. 352 p.
War of Movement in the East Took the Form of Great Pendulum Swings, p. 114. German Advances on the British Sector, July 15, p. 302. Air Defence of London, p. 269.
Book call no.: 940.4 T323w



Center of Military History. The United States Army in World War I. (CDROM version). Washington, US Army Center of Military History. 1998. 3 discs.
Maps are listed in the introduction: 
France, 1918, pXIV.
Meuse-Argonne Offensive, 26 Sep-11 Nov 1918. 
Major Defensive Operations: A.E.P. p. 15. 
Major Offensive Operations: A.E.P. p. 26.
Book call no.: CD ROM 940.41273 U581

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