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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Table 5a. Adults ages 18-64 with public insurance (no private insurance) during the year,a by diagnosed diabetes status, United States, 2004

With diabetes
Without diabetes


Population group Sample size Weighted size (in thousands) Percent SE
Total   19,181 183,361 9.0 0.3
Age 18-44 11,901 111,437 9.3 0.4
45-64 7,280 71,924 8.5 0.4
Gender Male 8,917 90,530 6.8 0.3
Female 10,264 92,831 11.1 0.4
Race White only 14,898 147,755 7.6 0.3
Black only 2,850 22,229 17.4 1.1
Other 1,433 13,376 10.4 1.2
Ethnicity Non-Hispanic, all races 14,181 157,802 8.3 0.3
Non-Hispanic, White 10,097 123,476 6.5 0.3
Non-Hispanic, Black 2,761 21,581 17.3 1.2
Hispanic, all races 5,000 25,559 13.6 0.8
Family incomeb Negative/poor 3,395 20,380 39.1 1.2
Near poor/low 4,099 28,442 17.3 0.8
Middle 5,577 58,432 5.2 0.4
High 6,110 76,107 0.8 0.1
Educationc Less than high school 5,072 32,617 21.7 0.9
High school graduate 6,012 57,784 10.4 0.5
At least some college 7,939 91,922 3.6 0.2
Residence location Metropolitan-large 10,636 102,358 8.6 0.4
Metropolitan-small 5,163 50,908 8.7 0.6
Micropolitan 2,095 19,001 10.3 1.1
Noncore 1,287 11,094 12.3 1.4
Preferred language Other 3,911 21,279 13.5 0.9
English 15,148 160,896 8.3 0.3


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With diabetes

Population group Sample size Weighted size (in thousands) Percent SE
Total   971 8,088 20.0 1.6
Age 18-44 241 1,940 18.9 3.2
45-64 730 6,147 20.4 1.8
Gender Male 414 3,938 13.1 1.7
Female 557 4,150 26.6 2.3
Race White only 698 6,158 16.8 1.6
Black only 204 1,285 32.8 4.7
Other * * * *
Ethnicity Non-Hispanic, all races 730 6,971 18.3 1.7
Non-Hispanic, White 471 5,108 13.8 1.6
Non-Hispanic, Black 199 1,263 33.2 4.8
Hispanic, all races 241 1,117 31.0 4.0
Family incomeb Negative/poor 231 1,280 62.0 4.8
Near poor/low 227 1,540 34.7 3.6
Middle 255 2,251 10.2 1.8
High * * * *
Educationc Less than high school 340 2,034 40.1 3.7
High school graduate 317 3,023 16.2 2.1
At least some college 306 2,990 9.9 1.7
Residence location Metropolitan-large 450 3,808 20.7 2.4
Metropolitan-small 288 2,461 18.9 2.7
Micropolitan 132 1,037 19.0 3.7
Noncore 101 782 21.7 5.3
Preferred language Other 160 782 25.7 4.0
English 811 7,306 19.4 1.7


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Without diabetes

Population group Sample size Weighted size (in thousands) Percent SE
Total   18,210 175,273 8.5 0.3
Age 18-44 11,660 109,497 9.1 0.4
45-64 6,550 65,776 7.4 0.4
Gender Male 8,503 86,591 6.6 0.3
Female 9,707 88,682 10.4 0.4
Race White only 14,200 141,597 7.2 0.3
Black only 2,646 20,944 16.5 1.1
Other 1,364 12,732 9.7 1.2
Ethnicity Non-Hispanic, all races 13,451 150,831 7.8 0.3
Non-Hispanic, White 9,626 118,368 6.2 0.3
Non-Hispanic, Black 2,562 20,318 16.3 1.2
Hispanic, all races 4,759 24,442 12.8 0.7
Family incomeb Negative/poor 3,164 19,100 37.6 1.2
Near poor/low 3,872 26,902 16.3 0.8
Middle 5,322 56,181 5.0 0.4
High 5,852 73,090 0.7 0.1
Educationc Less than high school 4,732 30,583 20.4 0.8
High school graduate 5,695 54,761 10.1 0.5
At least some college 7,633 88,932 3.4 0.2
Residence location Metropolitan-large 10,186 98,550 8.1 0.4
Metropolitan-small 4,875 48,447 8.1 0.6
Micropolitan 1,963 17,964 9.8 1.1
Noncore 1,186 10,312 11.6 1.2
Preferred language Other 3,751 20,497 13.0 0.9
English 14,337 153,590 7.8 0.3

a Adults with DSDIA53=1 are defined as with diabetes, DSDIA53=-1 as without diabetes.
b Negative/poor refers to household incomes below the Federal poverty line; near poor/low, over the poverty line to just below 200 percent of the poverty line; middle, 200 percent to just below 400 percent of the poverty line; and high, 400 percent of the poverty line and over.
c Less than high school refers to fewer than 12 years of education; high school graduate, 12 years of education; and at least some college, more than 12 years of education.
* Data do not meet the criteria for statistical reliability, data quality, or confidentiality.
Key: SE: standard error.
Source:  Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Center for Financing, Access, and Cost Trends, Medical Expenditure Panel Survey. 

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