Dr. Susan Haig is a Wildlife Ecologist at the USGS Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center in Corvallis, OR, a Professor of Wildlife Ecology at Oregon State University, and a Research Associate of the Smithsonian Institution. The research carried out in the Haig Lab revolves around an integrated approach to directly or indirectly defining population structure and viability on multiple temporal and spatial scales. This includes integration of fields that are not often merged (genetics, behavior, landscape ecology, policy) but when considered together each field is strengthened by integration with the other disciplines.

Genetic analyses are carried out in conjunction with a multi-scale field approach incorporating aspects of the species mating system, dispersal patterns, and demography. Wetland research is strengthened by considering paradigms from forest landscape ecology not yet tested on wetlands. Thus, multi-scale patterns of habitat use within and between seasons of the annual cycle can be described by considering marked birds as vectors of wetland connectivity via use of telemetric, molecular and biochemical (stable isotopes) techniques. Policy and management implications of research results are always explored in each project.

Dr. Susan M. Haig
USGS Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center
3200 SW Jefferson Way
Corvallis, OR 97331

Phone: 541-750-7482
Fax: 541-758-8806
E-mail: susan_haig@usgs.gov

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