Los Alamos National Laboratory

LANL  Environment  Earth Day 2009


Earth Day 2009: Make a Commitment!

Atomic City Transit Earth Day Contest

April 20-24, 2009

Reduce emissions...

Driving a recent model mid-sized car 20,000 miles per year emits about 11 tons of CO2. By taking the bus for just one week, Los Alamos County residents commuting to LANL can reduce their emissions by about 100 lbs per vehicle…and with the price of gas on the rise, now is a great time to try Atomic City Transit’s FREE service. You’ll save money and the environment!

...and win prizes!

To promote ridership, the Environmental Protection Division will give a $50 LA Chamber Check to the LANL employee who rides Atomic City Transit the most between April 20-24. The second and third place runners-up will each receive a $25 LA Chamber Check.

  • To participate:

Atomic City Transit

Keep Your Ride Simple...Get on the Bus!
View complete routes and schedules!

Operated by Los Alamos National Security, LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy's NNSA
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