B&B lmpormkriom & lm^se MAM^GL 300 @er4oz M=nnvn sou AND Z0772 6 U a^ 0 tao 1) 1 0 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE Public Health Service Health Services and Mental Health Administration Rockville, Maryland AGENDA Twenty-first Meeting of the NATIONAL ADVISORY COUNCIL ON REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS Parklawn Building, Conference Room G/H 8:30 a.m., November 9-10, 1970 Telephone: 301-443-2585 I. Call to Order and Opening Remarks II. Announcements III. Confirmation of Future Meeting Dates February 2-3, 1971 August 3-4, 1971 May 11-13, 1971 November 9-10, 1971 IV. Consideration of Minutes of the July 28-29, 1970, Meeting V. Legislation, Appropriations, and Policy Implications VI. (Remarks - Dr. Wilson) VII. Program Priority Items for Action a. Guides for Review of Projects 1. Automation Research and Development in a Regional Medical Program 2. Provision of Care Services b. Coronary Care Units - mobile emergency units c. Registries - Cancer - Stroke d. Multiphasic Screening e. 314 (e) f. Proposal for Changing RMP Policy on Recruitment g. Policy Changes re: Education find Training Activities and Consultant Services Page 2 VIII. Information Only - No Action Required a. Multiprogram Services Project Grants (Section 910) b. Model Cities and RMP c. Evaluation d. Schon Paper - A. D. Little Report --e. Commissioned Officers Task Force f. Role of DHEW Regional Offices - RMP Staff g. Recommendations for Federal'Funding of Clinical Training Programs h. Johns Hopkins Report IX. Nebraska/South Dakota X. Heart Guidelines - Drs. Wright, Stamler XI. V.A. Study on Hypertension Material XII. Review of Applications - Mrs. Silsbee a. Special Action (Bi-State) b. Recommendations for Action c. Kidney Disease Dr. Blomquist