Geopubs—Geologic Publications of the Western United States

What's New, January through June 2009

Go to archived What's New pages for July through December, 2008, January through June, 2008, October through December, 2007, July through September, 2007, April through June, 2007, January through March, 2007

The USGS has made a few changes to its report series. Publications released in 2004 and later will reflect the following name changes, although a few bulletin chapters may still be released under the old series names. Bulletins will now be released as Scientific Investigations Reports, I-maps and MF-maps will now be released as Scientific Investigations Maps, and the Digital Data Series is now the Data Series. Please see notes on the specific series index pages.

Open-File Report 2008-1382

Environmental Impact of the Helen, Research, and Chicago Mercury Mines on Water, Sediment, and Biota in the Upper Dry Creek Watershed, Lake County, California

By James J. Rytuba, Roger L. Hothem, Jason T. May, Christopher S. Kim, David Lawler, Daniel Goldstein, and Brianne E. Brussee

Scientific Investigations Report 2009-5079

Evapotranspiration from the Lower Walker River Basin, West-Central Nevada, Water Years 2005–07

By Kip K. Allander, J. LaRue Smith, and Michael J. Johnson

Fact Sheet 2009-3033

Status and Trends of Resources Below Glen Canyon Dam Update—2009

By John F. Hamill

General Information Product 85

Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center

By John F. Hamill

Fact Sheet 2009-3035

Status and Trends of the Grand Canyon Population of Humpback Chub

By Matthew E. Andersen

Open-File Report 2009-1075

Abundance Trends and Status of the Little Colorado River Population of Humpback Chub: An Update Considering Data From 1989–2008

By Lewis G. Coggins, Jr., and Carl J. Walters

Scientific Investigations Map 2929

Geologic Map of the Atlin Quadrangle, Southeastern Alaska

By David A. Brew, Glen R. Himmelberg, and Arthur B. Ford

Scientific Investigations Map 2909

Geologic Map of the Yukon-Koyukuk Basin, Alaska

By William W. Patton, Jr., Frederic H. Wilson, Keith A. Labay, and Nora Shew

Data Series 278, version 3.0

River chemistry and solute flux in Yellowstone National Park

By Shaul Hurwitz, Sean Eagan, Henry Heasler, Dan Mahony, Mark A. Huebner, and Jacob BÊLowenstern

U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1335/California Geological Survey Special Report 207

Piñon and Juniper Field Guide: Asking the Right Questions to Select Appropriate Management Actions

By R.J. Tausch, U.S. Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station, R.F. Miller, Oregon State University, B.A. Roundy, Brigham Young University, and J.C. Chambers, U.S. Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station

Scientific Investigations Report 2009-5088

Iodine-129 in the Snake River Plain Aquifer at and Near the Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho, 2003 and 2007

By Roy C. Bartholomay

Open-File Report 2008-1342

Examining Submarine Ground-Water Discharge into Florida Bay by using 222Rn and Continuous Resistivity Profiling

By Peter Swarzenski, Chris Reich, and David Rudnick

Open-File Report 2009-1044

Aeromagnetic Survey Map of the Central California Coast Ranges

By V.E. Langenheim, R.C. Jachens, and K. Moussauoi

Data Series 436

Oblique Aerial Photography of the Arctic Coast of Alaska, Nulavik to Demarcation Point, August 7–10, 2006

By Ann E. Gibbs and Bruce M. Richmond

Scientific Investigations Report 2008-5238, v. 1.1

Analysis of Streamflow Trends, Ground-Water and Surface-Water Interactions, and Water Quality in the Upper Carson River Basin, Nevada and California, revised 2009

By Douglas K. Maurer, Angela P. Paul, David L. Berger, and C. Justin Mayers

Scientific Investigations Report 2009-5031

Using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) to Simulate Runoff in Mustang Creek Basin, California

By Dina K. Saleh, U.S. Geological Survey; Charles R. Kratzer, U.S. Geological Survey; Colleen H. Green, U.S. Department of Agricuture; and David G. Evans, California State University Sacramento, Department of Geology

Scientific Investigations Report 2009-5069

Evaluation of Sources of Nitrate Beneath Food Processing Wastewater-Application Sites near Umatilla, Oregon

By Lonna Frans and Anthony Paulson, U.S.Geological Survey; Phil Richerson, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality; and Elise Striz and Curt Black, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Scientific Investigations Report 2009-5039

Geospatial Data to Support Analysis of Water-Quality Conditions in Basin-Fill Aquifers in the Southwestern United States

By Tim S. McKinney and David W. Anning

Scientific Investigations Report 2009-5073

Geochemical Investigation of Source Water to Cave Springs, Great Basin National Park, White Pine County, Nevada

By David E. Prudic and Patrick A. Glancy

Scientific Investigations Report 2009-5004

Hydrologic and Water-Quality Conditions During Restoration of the Wood River Wetland, Upper Klamath River Basin, Oregon, 2003–05

By Kurt D. Carpenter, Daniel T. Snyder, John H. Duff, Frank J. Triska, Karl K. Lee, Ronald J. Avanzino, and Steven Sobieszczyk

Open-File Report 2009-1010

Preliminary Assessment of Vertical Stability and Gravel Transport along the Umpqua River, Southwestern Oregon

By Jim E. O’Connor, J. Rose Wallick, Steven Sobieszczyk, Charles Cannon, and Scott W. Anderson

Open-File Report 2009-1068

Minimum Pool and Bull Trout Prey Base Investigations at Beulah Reservoir—Final Report for 2008

By Brien P. Rose and Matthew G. Mesa

Fact Sheet 2009-3030

Organic Compounds in Clackamas River Water Used for Public Supply near Portland, Oregon, 2003–05

By Kurt Carpenter and Gordon McGhee

Fact Sheet 2009-3015

Southwest Principal Aquifers Regional Ground-Water Quality Assessment

By D.W. Anning, S.A. Thiros, L.M. Bexfield, T.S. McKinney, and J.M. Green

Techniques and Methods 2-A8

Forest Vegetation Monitoring Protocol for National Parks in the North Coast and Cascades Network

By Andrea Woodward and Karen M. Hutten, U.S. Geological Survey; John R. Boetsch and Steven A. Acker, Olympic National Park; Regina M. Rochefort and Mignonne M. Bivin, North Cascades National Park; and Laurie L. Kurth, U.S. Forest Service

The Gap Bulletin No. 16

Gap Analysis—A Geographic Approach to Planning for Biological Diversity

Edited by Jill Maxwell, Kevin Gergely, Jocelyn Aycrigg and Anne Davidson

Data Series 441

Hydrographs Showing Ground-Water Level Changes for Selected Wells in the Lower Skagit River Basin, Washington

By E.T. Fasser and R.J. Julich

Data Series 387, v. 1.1

Ground-Water Quality Data in the Coastal Los Angeles Basin Study Unit, 2006; Results from the California GAMA Program, revised 2009

By Timothy M. Mathany, Michael Land, and Kenneth Belitz

Fact Sheet 2009-3024

Southwest Caves Reveal New Forms of Life

By J. Judson Wynne and Charles Drost

Professional Paper 1760-B
Quaternary Uplift History of Wingham Island, South-Central Alaska
By James B. Chapman, Peter J. Haeussler, and Terry L. Pavlis

Circular 1312

Ground Water on Tropical Pacific Islands—Understanding a Vital Resource

By Gordon Tribble

Scientific Investigations Report 2008-5236

Ground-Water Availability in the Wailuku Area, Maui, Hawai‘i

By Stephen B. Gingerich

Professional Paper 1750

A Volcano Rekindled: The Renewed Eruption of Mount St. Helens, 2004–2006

Edited by David R. Sherrod, William E. Scott, and Peter H. Stauffer

Open-File Report 2009-1029

Coastal Processes Study of Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties, California

By Patrick L. Barnard, David L. Revell, Dan Hoover, Jon Warrick, John Brocatus, Amy E. Draut, Pete Dartnell, Edwin Elias, Neomi Mustain, Pat E. Hart, and Holly F. Ryan

Open-File Report 2008-1010, v. 1.1 (revised 2009)

Shear Wave Structure of Umbria and Marche, Italy, Strong Motion Seismometer Sites Affected by the 1997–98 Umbria-Marche, Italy, Earthquake Sequence

By Robert Kayen, Giuseppe Scasserra, Jonathan P. Stewart and Giuseppe Lanzo

Open-File Report 2009-1045

An Index to PGE-Ni-Cr Deposits and Occurrences in Selected Mineral-Occurrence Databases

By J. Douglas Causey, John P. Galloway, and Michael L. Zientek

Open-File Report 2008-1381

Environmental Impact of the Contact and Sonoma Mercury Mines on Water, Sediment, and Biota in Anna Belcher and Little Sulphur Creek Watersheds, Sonoma County, California

By James J. Rytuba, Roger L. Hothem, Jason T. May, Christopher S. Kim, David Lawler, and Daniel Goldstein

Data Series 413

Data Files for Ground-Motion Simulations of the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake and Scenario Earthquakes on the Northern San Andreas Fault

By Brad Aagaard, Michael Barall, Thomas M. Brocher, David Dolenc, Douglas Dreger, Robert W. Graves, Stephen Harmsen, Stephen Hartzell, Shawn Larsen, Kathleen McCandless, Stefan Nilsson, N. Anders Petersson, Arthur Rodgers, Bjorn Sjogreen, and Mary Lou Zoback

Open-File Report 2009-1034

Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide Deposits of the World—Database and Grade and Tonnage Models

By Dan L. Mosier, Vladimir I. Berger, and Donald A. Singer

Open-File Report 2008-1347

The Performance of Nearshore Dredge Disposal at Ocean Beach, San Francisco, California, 2005-2007

By Patrick L. Barnard, Li H. Erikson, Jeff E. Hansen, and Edwin Elias

Open-File Report 2009-1039

Photomosaics and Logs of Trenches on the San Andreas Fault near Coachella, California

By Belle Philibosian, Thomas E. Fumal, Ray J. Weldon II, Katherine J. Kendrick, Katherine M. Scharer, Sean P. Bemis, Reed J. Burgette, and Beth A. Wisely

sans-serif" size="4">Professional Paper 1759

Post-Miocene Right Separation on the San Gabriel and Vasquez Creek Faults, with Supporting Chronostratigraphy, Western San Gabriel Mountains, California

By Larry A. Beyer, Thane H. McCulloh, Rodger E. Denison, Ronald W. Morin, Roy J. Enrico, John A. Barron, and Robert J. Fleck

USGS Bulletin 2209, Chapter N: Mineral Resource Assessment of Marine Sand Resources in Cape- and Ridge-Associated Marine Sand Deposits in Three Tracts, New York and New Jersey, United States Atlantic Continental Shelf By James D. Bliss, S. Jeffress Williams, and Matthew A. Arsenault

Data Series 396

Ground-Water Quality Data in the San Francisco Bay Study Unit, 2007: Results from the California GAMA Program

By Mary C. Ray, Justin T. Kulongoski, and Kenneth Belitz

Scientific Investigations Report 2008-5197, version 2.0

Hydrology of Northern Utah Valley, Utah County, Utah, 1975–2005

By Jay R. Cederberg, Philip M. Gardner, and Susan A. Thiros

Scientific Investigations Report 2008-5242

Evaluation of the Effects of Precipitation on Ground-Water Levels from Wells in Selected Alluvial Aquifers in Utah and Arizona, 1936–2005

By Philip M. Gardner and Victor M. Heilweil

Bulletin 2212

Rim Sim: A Role-Play Simulation

By Robert C. Barrett, Suzanne L. Frew, David G. Howell, Herman A. Karl, and Emily B. Rudin
[migraged from Geopubs to Natweb]

Digital Data Series DDS-72

2000 Multibeam Sonar Survey of Crater Lake, Oregon: Data, GIS, Images, and Movies

By James V. Gardner and Peter Dartnell
[migraged from Geopubs to Natweb]

Digital Data Series DDS-55

Sea-Floor Images and Data from Multibeam Surveys in San Francisco Bay, Southern California, Hawaii, the Gulf of Mexico, and Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada

By Peter Dartnell and James V. Gardner
[migraged from Geopubs to Natweb]

Scientific Investigations Map 3062

Geologic Map of the Needles 7.5’ Quadrangle, California and Arizona

By Daniel V. Malmon, Keith A. Howard, and Susan S. Priest

Scientific Investigations Map 3059

Map of the Rinconada and Reliz Fault Zones, Salinas River Valley, California

By Lewis I. Rosenberg and Joseph C. Clark

Scientific Investigations Report 2009-5025

Ground-Water Budgets for the Wood River Valley Aquifer System, South-Central Idaho, 1995–2004

By James R. Bartolino

Scientific Investigations Report 2009-5012

Ground-Water Budgets for the Wood River Valley Aquifer System, South-Central Idaho, 1995–2004

By James R. Bartolino

Scientific Investigations Report 2008-5201

Water Quality Conditions in Upper Klamath and Agency Lakes, Oregon, 2006

By Mary K. Lindenberg, Gene Hoilman, and Tamara M. Wood

Open-File Report 2009-1040

Model-Based Predictions of the Effects of Harvest Mortality on Population Size and Trend of Yellow-Billed Loons

By Joel A. Schmutz

Open-File Report 2009-1036

Bull Trout Forage Investigations in Beulah Reservoir, Oregon—Annual Report for 2006

By Brien P. Rose and Mathew G. Mesa

Open-File Report 2009-1022

Physical-Property Measurements on Core samples from Drill-Holes DB-1 and DB-2, Blue Mountain Geothermal Prospect, North-Central Nevada

By David A. Ponce, Janet T. Watt, John Casteel, and Grant Logsdon

Scientific Investigations Report 2009-5016

Ground-Water Budgets for the Wood River Valley Aquifer System, South-Central Idaho, 1995–2004

By James R. Bartolino

Data Series 408

Ground-Water Quality Data in the Santa Clara River Valley Study Unit, 2007; Results from the California GAMA Program

By Joseph Montrella and Kenneth Belitz

Open-File Report 2008-1375

Predicted Surface Displacements for Scenario Earthquakes in the San Francisco Bay Region

By Jessica R. Murray-Moraleda

Bulletin 2209-M

Modeling Cape- and Ridge-Associated Marine Sand Deposits; A Focus on the U.S. Atlantic Continental Shelf

By James D. Bliss, S. Jeffress Williams, and Karen S. Bolm

Open-File Report 2009-1032

Molecular Population Genetic Structure in the Piping Plover

By Mark P. Miller and Susan M. Haig, U.S. Geological Survey, Cheri L. Gratto-Trevor, Environment Canada, Thomas D. Mullins, U.S. Geological Survey

Data Series 426

Data from the 2006 International Piping Plover Census

By Elise Elliott-Smith and Susan M. Haig, U.S. Geological Survey, and Brandi M. Powers, U.S. Bureau of Land Management

Open-File Report 2009-1027

Patterns of Larval Sucker Emigration from the Sprague and Lower Williamson Rivers of the Upper Klamath Basin, Oregon, Prior to the Removal of Chiloquin Dam— 2006 Annual Report

By Craig M. Ellsworth, U.S. Geological Survey, Torrey J. Tyler, Bureau of Reclamation, Scott P. VanderKooi, U.S. Geological Survey, and Douglas F. Markle, Oregon State University

Open-File Report 2009-1026

Detections of Acoustic-Tagged Green Sturgeon in Baker Bay on the Lower Columbia River during September – November 2008

By Michael J. Parsley

Open-File Report 2008-1190

Geologic Resource Evaluation of Pu‘ukoholā Heiau National Historic Site, Hawai‘i;
Part I: Geology and Coastal Landforms

By Bruce M. Richmond, Susan A. Cochran, and Ann E. Gibbs

Open-File Report 2008-1191

Geologic Resource Evaluation of Kaloko-Honokōhau National Historical Park, Hawai‘i Geology and Coastal Landforms

By Bruce M. Richmond, Ann E. Gibbs, and Susan A. Cochran

Open-File Report 2008-1192

Geologic Resource Evaluation of Pu‘uhonua O Hōnaunau National Historical Park, Hawai‘i; Part I: Geology and Coastal Landforms

By Bruce M. Richmond, Susan A. Cochran, and Ann E. Gibbs

Open-File Report 2008-1151, v. 1.1

Historical Seismicity in the South San Francisco Bay Region (revised 2009)

By William H. Bakun

Open-File Report 2009-1014

Seasonal Distribution and Abundance of Larval and Juvenile Lost River and Shortnose Suckers in Hanks Marsh, Upper Klamath National Wildlife Refuge, Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon; 2007 Annual Report

By Greer O. Anderson, Alexander X. Wilkens, Summer M. Burdick, and Scott P. VanderKooi

Data Series 422

Surface Rupture Map of the 2002 M7.9 Denali Fault Earthquake, Alaska; Digital Data

By Peter J. Haeussler

Fact Sheet 2004-3084, version 1.1, revised 2009

The Alaska Volcano Observatory -- Expanded Monitoring of Volcanoes Yields Results

By Steven R. Brantley, Robert G. McGimsey, and Christina A. Neal

Scientific Investigations Report 2008-5238

Analysis of Streamflow Trends, Ground-Water and Surface-Water Interactions, and Water Quality in the Upper Carson River Basin, Nevada and California

By Douglas K. Maurer, Angela P. Paul, David L. Berger, and C. Justin Mayers

Open-File Report 2009-1019

Summary of Survival Data from Juvenile Coho Salmon in the Klamath River, Northern California, 2008

By John W. Beeman, Steven Juhnke, and Hal C. Hansel

Studies by the U.S. Geological Survey in Alaska, 2007

Professional Paper 1760

Studies by the U.S. Geological Survey in Alaska, 2007

Edited by Peter J. Haeussler and John P. Galloway

This set of publications consists of the following Chapters:

Open-File Report 2009-1004

An Excel® Workbook for Identifying Redox Processes in Ground Water

By Bryant C. Jurgens, Peter B. McMahon, Francis H. Chapelle, and Sandra M. Eberts

Scientific Investigations Report 2008-5217

Variability in Lotic Communities in Three Contrasting Stream Environments in the Santa Ana River Basin, California, 1999–2001

By Carmen A. Burton

Open-File Report 2008-1378

Mapping Land Use/Land Cover in the Ambos Nogales Study Area

By Laura M. Norman and Cynthia S.A. Wallace

Open-File Report 02-96

Principal Facts for 463 Gravity Stations in the Vicinity of Tangle Lakes, East-Central Alaska

By Robert L. Morin and Jonathan M.G. Glen
[migrated from Geopubs t Natweb]

Fact Sheet 2008-3089

Limestone—A Crucial and Versatile Industrial Mineral Commodity

By James D. Bliss, Timothy S. Hayes, and Greta J. Orris

Open-File Report 2007-1124

Surface-Source Downhole Seismic Analysis in R

By: Eric M. Thompson

Open-File Report 2008-1384

Evaluation of Terrestrial LIDAR for Monitoring Geomorphic Change at Archeological Sites in Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona

By Brian D. Collins, Kristin M. Brown, and Helen C. Fairley

Fact Sheet 2008-3102

Wild Sheep and Deer in Hawai‘i—a Threat to Fragile Ecosystems

By Steven C. Hess

Open-File Report 2008-1371

Status of the Island Night Lizard and Two Non-Native Lizards on Outlying Landing Field San Nicolas Island, California

By Gary M. Fellers, U.S. Geological Survey, Western Ecological Research Center, Point Reyes National Seashore, Point Reyes, California., Charles A. Drost, U.S. Geological Survey, Southwest Biological Science Center, Flagstaff, Arizona, and Thomas Murphey, Los Padres National Forest, Santa Lucia Ranger District, Santa Maria, California

Scientific Investigations Report 2008-5233

Flood Plain Delineation for the Fremont River and Bull Creek, Hanksville, Utah

By Terry A. Kenney and Susan G. Buto

Scientific Investigations Report 2008-5230

Methods for Estimating Monthly and Annual Streamflow Statistics at Ungaged Sites in Utah

By Chris D. Wilkowske, Terry A. Kenney, and Shane J. Wright

Scientific Investigations Report 2008-5197

Hydrology of Northern Utah Valley, Utah County, Utah, 1975–2005

By Jay R. Cederberg, Philip M. Gardner, and Susan A. Thiros

Scientific Investigations Report 2008-5049

Three-Dimensional Numerical Model of Ground-Water Flow in Northern Utah Valley, Utah County, Utah

By Philip M. Gardner

Scientific Investigations Report 2008-5215

Geography of Alaska Lake Districts: Identification, Description, and Analysis of Lake-Rich Regions of a Diverse and Dynamic State

By Christopher D. Arp and Benjamin M. Jones

Scientific Investigations Report 2008-5214

2006 Volcanic Activity in Alaska, Kamchatka, and the Kurile Islands: Summary of Events and Response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory

By Christina A. Neal, Robert G. McGimsey, James P. Dixon, U.S. Geological Survey, and Alexander Manevich, Institute of Volcanology and Seismology, and Alexander Rybin, Institute of Marine Geology and Geophysics

Professional Paper 1620

Origin, Extent, and Thickness of Quaternary Geologic Units in the Willamette Valley, Oregon

By Jim E. O'Connor, Andrei Sarna-Wojcicki, Karl C. Wozniak, Danial J. Polette, and Robert J. Fleck

Scientific Investigations Map 3026

Geologic Map of the Helen Planitia Quadrangle (V–52), Venus

By Iván López and Vicki L. Hansen

Open-File Report 2008-1324

Ground-Water, Surface-Water, and Water-Chemistry Data, Black Mesa Area, Northeastern Arizona—2006–07

By Margot Truini and J.P. Macy

Professional Paper 1662

Studies by the U.S. Geological Survey in Alaska, 2000

Frederic H. Wilson and John P. Galloway, Editors
[migrated from Geopubs to Natweb]

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Last updated: April 27, 2009 (mfd)