USGS, photo by Scott Graham

USGS Western Region Geologic Information Server

United States Earth Science Datasets

U.S. Geological Survey Special Map

Magnetic Anomaly Map of North America

By: North American Magnetic Anomaly Group (NAMAG)

Sponsored by Geological Survey of Canada, United States Geological Survey, and Consejo de Recursos Minerales de México

Circular 1271

A Cost-Benefit Analysis of The National Map

By: David Halsing, Kevin Theissen, and Richard Bernknopf

Professional Paper 1645

An Interdisciplinary Assessment of Regional-Scale Nonpoint Source Ground-Water Vulnerability: Theory and Application

By: Richard L. Bernknopf, Laura B. Dinitz, and Keith Loague

Digital Data Series DDS-11

Geologic Map of the Conterminous USDDS-11
Geology of the Conterminous United States at 1:2,500,000 Scale -- A digital Representation of the 1974 P.B. King and H.M. Beikman Map

Digital Data Series DDS-18-A

National Geochemical Database: National Uranium Resource Evaluation Data for the Conterminous United States

By: J.D. Hoffman and Kim Buttleman

MAPPER display software by Russell A. Ambroziak

MAPPER documentation by Christine A. Cook

Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I-797

Geologic Map of the Stillwater Complex, Montana: A Digital Database

Geology compiled by Norman J Page and Warren J. Nokleberg

Digital database by Robert J. Miller

Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I-2206

Shaded Relief Map of the Conterminous US (78KB screen-resolution gif)
Landforms of the Conterminous United States - A Digital Shaded-Relief Portrayal, 1991

By: Gail P. Thelin and Richard J. Pike

Download the full dataset in tiff image format: usa_shade.tif (11.8MB)

Note - explanatory pamphlet is not yet on-line.

Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I-2720

A Tapestry of Time and Terrain

By: José F. Vigil, Richard J. Pike, and David G. Howell

Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-2329

Map Showing Inventory and Regional Susceptibility for Holocene Debris Flows, and Related Fast-Moving Landslides in the Conterminous United States

By: Earl E. Brabb, Joseph P. Colgan, and Timothy C. Best

Open-File Report 01-321

Chromite Deposits in Central Part Stillwater Complex, Sweet Grass County, Montana: A Digital Database for the Geologic Map of the East Slope of Iron Mountain

By: A.L. Howland

Open-File Report 01-407

High-Resolution Seismic Reflection/Refraction Images Near the Outer Margin of the Chesapeake Bay Impact Crater, York-James Peninsula, Southeastern Virginia

By: R. D. Catchings, D.E. Saulter, D. S. Powars, M. R. Goldman, J. A. Dingler, G.S. Gohn, J.S. Schindler, and G. H. Johnson

Open-File Report 01-435

Volcanism in National Parks: Summary of the Workshop Convened by the U.S. Geological Survey and National Park Service, 26-29 September 2000, Redding, California

By: Marianne Guffanti, Steven R. Brantley, and Lindsay McClelland

Open-File Report 01-448

Cruise Report: RV Moana Wave Cruise M1-01-GM The Bathymetry and Acoustic Backscatter of the Mid Shelf to Upper Slope off Panama City, Florida, Northeastern Gulf of Mexico-September 3, through October 12, 2001, Panama City, FL to Panama City, FL

By: James V. Gardner, Larry A. Mayer, John E. Hughes Clarke, Peter Dartnell, and Kenneth J. Sulak

Open-File Report 02-29

Historical Trends in U.S. Mineral Statistics for Selected Non-Ferrous Metals

By: David Z. Piper and Warren J. Nokleberg

Open-File Report 02-109

Modified Mercalli Intensities (MMI) for Some Earthquakes in Eastern North America (ENA) and Empirical MMI Site Corrections for Towns in ENA

By: W. H. Bakun, A. C. Johnston, and M. G. Hopper

Open-File Report 02-184

Modified Mercalli Intensities (MMI) for Large Earthquakes Near New Madrid, Missouri, in 1811– 1812 and Near Charleston, South Carolina, in 1886

By: W. H. Bakun, A. C. Johnston, and M. G. Hopperr

Open-File Report 02-227

Multielement Geochemical Dataset of Surficial Materials for the Northern Great Basin

By: Mary Jane Coombs, Boris B. Kotlyar, Steve Ludington, Helen W. Folger, and Victor G. Mossotti

Open-File Report 02-361*

Digital Aeromagnetic Datasets for the Conterminous United States and Hawaii - A Companion to the North American Magnetic Anomaly Map

By: U.S. Geological Survey and National Geophysical Data Center

Open-File Report 02-414*

Digital data grids for the magnetic anomaly map of North America

By: North American Magnetic Anomaly Group (NAMAG)

Viki Bankey1, Alejandro Cuevas2, David Daniels1, Carol A. Finn1, Israel Hernandez2, Patricia Hill1, Robert Kucks1, Warner Miles3, Mark Pilkington3, Carter Roberts1, Walter Roest3, Victoria Rystrom1, Sarah Shearer1, Stephen Snyder1, Ronald Sweeney1, Julio Velez2, Phillips, J.D.1 and Ravat, D.K.A.4

1 U.S. Geological Survey

2 Consejo Recursos Minerales de Mexico

3 Geological Survey of Canada

4 Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois

Open-File Report 02-469

Evaluation of Airborne Image Data and LIDAR Main Stem Data for Monitoring Physical Resources within the Colorado River Ecosystem

By: Philip A. Davis, Mark R. Rosiek, and Donna M. Galuszka

Open-File Report 03-236

National Geochronological Database

By: Revised by Jan Sloan, Christopher D. Henry, Melanie Hopkins, and Steve Ludington; Original database by Robert E. Zartman, Charles A. Bush, and Carl Abston

Open-File Report 03-294

Hydrogeologic Factors that Influence Ground Water Movement in the Desert Southwest United States

By: Frank C. Chuang, Edwin H. McKee, and Keith A. Howard

Open-File Report 2004-1078

Field Trip Guidebook—Metallogeny of the Great Basin Project, August 17—22, 2003

Great Basin Paleozoic Carbonate Platform: Facies, Facies Transitions, Depositional Models, Platform Architecture, Sequence Stratigraphy, And Predictive Mineral Host Models

By: Harry E. Cook and James J. Corboy

Open-File Report 2004-1086

Catalog of Significant Historical Earthquakes in the Central United States

By: W.H. Bakun and M.G. Hopper

Open-File Report 2004-1194

Chemical Analyses Of Tertiary Volcanic Rocks, Central San Juan Caldera Complex, Southwestern Colorado

By: Peter W. Lipman

Open-File Report 2004-1206

Review of Results and Recommendations from the GCMRC 2000-2003 Remote-Sensing Initiative for Monitoring Environmental Resources Within the Colorado River Ecosystem

By: Philip A. Davis

Open-File Report 2004-1447

A Preliminary Assessment of Geologic Framework and Sediment Thickness Studies Relevant to Prospective US Submission on Extended Continental Shelf

By: Deborah R. Hutchinson, Jonathan R. Childs, Erika Hammar-Klose, Shawn Dadisman, N. Terrence Edgar, and Ginger Barth

Bulletin 2191


Edited By: Laurie S. Balistrieri and Lisa L. Stillings, Editors

Chapter 1—Introduction to Pathways of Metal Transfer from Mineralized Sources to Bioreceptors

By: Roger P. Ashley, Elizabeth A. Bailey, Laurie S. Balistrieri, Andrea L. Foster, Larry P. Gough, Floyd Gray, Randolph A. Koski, James J. Rytuba, Robert R. Seal II, Kathleen S. Smith, Lisa L. Stillings, and Richard B. Wanty

Fact Sheet 013-00

Exposing the Sea Floor: High-Resolution Multibeam Mapping Along the U.S. Pacific Coast

By: James V. Gardner, Peter Dartnell, Helen Gibbons, and Duncan MacMillan, with contributions by Paul R. Carlson, Pat S. Chavez, Jr., John L. Chin, Stephen L. Eittreim, Deborah Lee Soltsz, Michael E. Torresan, Michael E. Field, Miguel Velasco, and Florence L. Wong

Fact Sheet 150-00

Helping Coastal Communities at Risk from Tsunamis–The Role of U.S. Geological Survey Research

By: Eric L. Geist, Guy R. Gelfenbaum, Bruce E. Jaffe, and Jane A. Reid

Fact Sheet 001-01

Earthquake Shaking—Finding the "Hotspots"

By: Ned Field, Lucile Jones, Tom Jordan, Mark Benthien, and Lisa Wald

Fact Sheet 025-02

U.S. Coral Reefs—Imperiled National Treasures

By: Michael E. Field, Susan A. Cochran, and Kevin R. Evans

Fact Sheet 100-03

Tracking Changes in Yellowstone's Restless Volcanic System

By: Steven R. Brantley, Jacob B. Lowenstern, Robert L. Christiansen, Robert B. Smith, Henry Heasler, Greg Waite, and Charles Wicks

Fact Sheet 117-03

Precipitation History of the Mojave Desert Region, 1893-2001

By: Richard Hereford, Robert H. Webb, and Claire I. Longpre

(* indicates link to another USGS Web or ftp server)

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