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Open-File Reports, 2000

Open-File Report 00-002

Height Changes in the Epicentral Region Preceding the January 17, 1994 Northridge Earthquake

By Robert O. Castle, Robert F. Packard, and Laura B. Dinitz

Open-File Report 00-011

Dataset of Aggregate Producers in New Mexico

By Greta J. Orris

Open-File Report 00-014

Geologic Datasets for Weights of Evidence Analysis in Northeast Washington—4. Mineral Industry Activity in Washington, 1985-1997

By D.E. Boleneus and R.E. Derkey

Open-File Report 00-017

Bibliography of literature from 1990-1997 pertaining to Holocene and fumarolic Pleistocene volcanoes of Alaska, Canada, and the conterminous United States

By Christopher J. Harpel and John W. Ewert

Open-File Report 00-026

Assessment of Mineral Resource Tracts in the Chugach National Forest, Alaska

By Steven W. Nelson and Marti L. Miller

Open-File Report 00-032

Physical Characteristics of Dungeness Crab and Halibut Habitats in Whidbey Passage,
Alaska August 19 through September 1, 1998 Glacier Bay, Alaska

By Guy R. Cochrane, Paul R. Carlson, Michael E. Boyle, Gregory L. Gabel, and Philip N. Hooge

Open-File Report 00-037

Abrupt Physical and Chemical Changes During 1992 Ü 1999, Anderson Springs, SE Geysers Geothermal Field, California

By Cathy J. Janik, Fraser Goff, Stephen R. Walter, Michael L. Sorey, Dale Counce, and Elizabeth M. Colvard

Open-File Report 00-043

Bathymetric, Geophysical, and Geologic Sample Data from Medicine Lake, Siskiyou County, northern California

By Jonathan R. Childs, Jacob B. Lowenstern , R. Lawrence Phillips, Patrick Hart, James J. Rytuba, John A. Barron, Scott W. Starratt, and Sarah Spaulding

Open-File Report 00-062

2nd Interface Between Ecology and Land Development in California

Edited by Jon E. Keeley, Melanie Baer-Keeley, and C.J. Fotheringham

Open-file Report 00-124

Acoustic Mapping of the Regional Seafloor Geology in and Around Hawaiian Ocean Dredged-Material Disposal Sites

By Michael E. Torresan and James V. Gardner

Open-File Report 00-127

Possible Costs Associated with Investigating and Mitigating Geologic Hazards in Rural Areas of Western San Mateo County California

By Earl E. Brabb, Sebastian Roberts, William R. Cotton, Alan L. Kropp, Robert H. Wright, and Erik N. Zinn

With a section on Using the USGS Website to Determine the Cost of Developing Property for Residences in Rural Parts of San Mateo County, California

By Sebastian Roberts and Earl E. Brabb

Open-File Report 00-128

Solar Electric Power for Instruments at Remote Sites

By P.J. McChesney

Open-File Report 00-130

Alaska Resource Data File, Chignik quadrangle, Alaska

By Steven H. Pilcher

Open File Report 00-134

Preliminary Model of the Pre-Tertiary Basement Rocks Beneath Yucca Flat, Nevada Test Site, Nevada, Based on Analysis of Gravity and Magnetic Data

By Geoffrey A. Phelps, Edwin H. McKee, D. Sweetkind, and V.E. Langenheim

Open-File Report 00-135

Digital Geologic Map of the Coeur d'Alene 1:100,000 Quadrangle, Idaho and Montana

Digital compilation by Steven R. Munts

Open-File Report 00-138

Depth to bedrock in the Upper San Pedro Valley, Cochise County, southeastern Arizona

By Mark E. Gettings and Brenda B. Houser

Open-File Report 00-140

Field Estimates of Gravity Terrain Corections and Y2K-Compatible Method to Convert from Gravity Readings with Multiple Base Stations to Tide- and Long-Term Drift-Corrected Observations

By Donald Plouff

Open-File Report 00-141

Program to Convert SUDS2ASC Files to a Single Binary SEGY File

By Mark Goldman

Open-File Report 00-144

Minerals in Our Environment

By Judy Weathers and John Galloway


Open-File Report 00-145

Digital Geologic Map of the Butler Peak 7.5' Quadrangle, San Bernardino County, California

By Fred K. Miller, Jonathan C. Matti, Howard J. Brown

Digital Preparation by P.M. Cossette

Open-File Report 00-154

Location and Ages of Middle Tertiary Volcanic Centers in Coastal California

By Richard G. Stanley, Douglas S. Wilson, and Patricia A. McCrory

Open-File Report 00-157

Seismic Instrumentation of Buildings

By Mehmet Çelebi

Open-File Report 00-175

Geologic Map and Digital Database of the Cougar Buttes 7.5' Quadrangle, San Bernardino County, California

By Robert E. Powell and Jonathan C. Matti

Digital Preparation by P.M. Cossette

Open-File Report 00-188

Aeromagnetic Survey of the Amargosa Desert, Nevada and California: A Tool for Understanding Near-Surface Geology and Hydrology

By Richard J. Blakely, Victoria E. Langenheim, David A. Ponce, and Gary L. Dixon

Open-File Report 00-192

Geologic Map of the Christian Quadrangle, Alaska

By W. P. Brosgé and H.N. Reiser

Open-File Report 00-193

Principal Facts for Gravity Stations in the Vicinity of San Bernardino, Southern California

By Megan L. Anderson, Carter W. Roberts, and Robert C. Jachens

Open-File Report 00-215

Publications of the Western Earth Surface Processes Team, 1999

By Paul Stone and Charles L. Powell II

Open-File Report 00-219

Preliminary Potential-Field Constraints on the Geometry of the San Fernando Basin, Southern California

By V.E. Langenheim, A. Griscom, R.C. Jachens, and T.G. Hildenbrand

Open-File Report 00-221, version 1.1

Bibliography of Literature Pertaining to Long Valley Caldera and Associated Volcanic Fields

By John W. Ewert, Christopher J. Harpel, and Suzanna K. Brooks

Open-File Report 00-222

Geologic Map Database of the El Mirage Lake Area, San Bernardino and Los Angeles Counties, California

By David M. Miller and David R. Bedford Digital preparation by D.R. Bedford

Open-File Report 00-289

Alaska Resource Data File, Kantishna River quadrangle, Alaska

By Cameron S. Rombach

Open-File Report 00-290

Alaska Resource Data File, Charley River quadrangle, Alaska

By Cheryl E. Cameron

Open-File Report 00-291

Alaska Resource Data File, Philip Smith Mountains quadrangle, Alaska

By Joe Britton

Open-File Report 00-308

Alaska Resource Data File, Beaver quadrangle, Alaska

By Joe Britton

Open-File Report 00-309

Processed Thematic Mapper Satellite Imagery for Selected Areas within the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands

By John C. Dohrenwend, Floyd Gray, and Robert J. Miller

Open-File Report 00-319

Age and Paleoenvironmental Significance of Mega-Invertabrates from the"San Pedro" Formation in the Coyote Hills, Fullerton and Buena Park, Orange County, Southern California

By Charles L. Powell, II and Dave Stevens

Open-File Report 00-320

Are We Running Out of Oil?

By L.B. Magoon

Open-File Report 00-321

Activities and Preliminary Results of Nearshore Benthic Habitat Mapping in Southern California, 1998

By Guy R. Cochrane and Kevin D. Lafferty

Open-File Report 00-328

Alaska Resource Data File, Survey Pass quadrangle, Alaska

By Steven W. Nelson

Open-File Report 00-330

Three-Month Performance Evaluation of the Nanometrics, Inc., Libra Satellite Seismograph System in the Northern California Seismic Network

By David H. Oppenheimer

Open-File Report 00-348

Operational Guidelines (version 1.0) for Geological Fieldwork in Areas Endemic for Coccidioidomycosis (Valley Fever)

By Frederick S. Fisher, Mark W. Bultman, and Demosthenes Pappagianis

Open-File Report 00-350

Cruise Report RV Ocean Surveyor Cruise O-1-00-GM The Bathymetry and Acoustic Backscatter of the Pinnacles Area, Northern Gulf of Mexico
May 23, through June 10, 2000 Venice, LA to Venice, LA

By James V. Gardner, Kenneth J.Sulak, Peter Dartnell, Laurent Hellequin, Brian Calder, and Larry A. Mayer

Open-File Report 00-351

Geologic Map and Database of the Salem East and Turner 7.5-Minute Quadrangles, Marion County, Oregon: A Digital Database

By Terry L. Tolan and Marvin H. Beeson
Digital Database By Christoper B. DuRoss

Open-File Report 00-355

Recovery of Perennial Vegetation in Military Target Sites in the Eastern Mojave Desert, Arizona

By John W. Steiger and Robert H. Webb

Open-File Report 00-356

Geologic Map of the Wildcat Lake 7.5' Quadrangle, Kitsap and Mason Counties Washington

By Peter J. Haeussler and Kenneth P. Clark

Open-File Report 00-357

Alaska Resource Data File, Chandalar quadrangle, Alaska

By Joe Britton

Open-File Report 00-359

Geologic Map and Digital Database of the Apache Canyon 7.5' Quadrangle, Ventura and Kern Counties, California

By Paul Stone and P.M. Cossette

Open-File Report 00-374

Central Valles Marineris: Uncontrolled Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Mars Orbital Camera (MOC) Digital Context Photomosaic (250 Megapixel Resolution)

By Eric Noreen

Open-File Report 00-375

Sinus Meridiani: Uncontrolled Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Mars Orbital Camera (MOC) Digital Context Photomosaic (250 Megapixel Resolution)

By Eric Noreen

Open-File Report 00-376

Geologic Map and Database of the Roseburg 30 x 60' Quadrangle, Douglas and Coos Counties, Oregon

By R.E. Wells, A.S. Jayko, A.R. Niem, G. Black, T. Wiley, E. Baldwin, K.M. Moenaar, K.L. Wheeler, C.B. DuRoss, and R.W. Givler

Open-File Report 00-379

A Filter Circuit Board for the Earthworm Seismic Data Acquisition System

By Edward Gray Jensen

Open-File Report 00-401

Towards Policy Relevant Environmental Modeling: Contextual Validity And Pragmatic Models

By Scott B. Miles

Open-File Report 00-403

Preliminary Report on Geophysics of the Verde River headwaters region, Arizona

By V.E. Langenheim, J.S. Duval, Laurie Wirt, and Ed Dewitt

Open-File Report 00-404

Grays Harbor Wave Refraction Experiment 1999: Data Report

By Guy Gelfenbaum, Christopher R. Sherwood, Laura A. Kerr, and Keith Kurrus

Open-File Report 00-405

Cruise Report R/V Surf Surveyor Cruise S1-00-CL Mapping the Bathymetry of Crater Lake, Oregon

By James V. Gardner, Larry A.Mayer, and Mark Buktenicam

Open-File Report 00-407

Geophysical Constraints on the Virgin River Depression, Nevada, Utah, and Arizona

By V.E. Langenheim, J.M. Glen, R.C. Jachens, G.L. Dixon, T.C. Katzer, and R.L. Morin

Open-File Report 00-409

Digital Geologic Map of Arizona: A Digital Database Derived from the 1983 Printing of the Wilson, Moore, and Cooper 1:500,000-scale Map

By Douglas M. Hirschberg and G. Stephen Pitts

Open-File Report 00-420

Principal Facts for Gravity Stations in the Vicinity of Coyote Spring Valley, Nevada, with Initial Gravity Modeling Results

By Geoffrey A. Phelps, E.B. Jewel, V.E. Langenheim and R.C. Jachens

Open-File Report 00-425

A History of Phosphate Mining in Southeastern Idaho

By William H. Lee

Open-File Report 00-438

Geology and Coastal Hazards in the Northern Monterey Bay, California Field Trip Guidebook November 4, 2000

By Cheryl Hapke

Open-File Report 00-439

Southwest Washington Coastal Erosion Study Workshop Report 1999

Edited by Guy Gelfenbaum, and George M. Kaminsky

Open-File Report 00-442

Titanium Mineral Resources of the Western United States—An Update

By Eric R. Force
with a section on Ione Basin, California by Eric R. Force and Scott Creely

Open-File Report 00-443

Autobiography of Philip B. King

By Philip B. King

Open-File Report 00-444

Preliminary Maps of Quaternary Deposits and Liquefaction Susceptibility, Nine-County San Francisco Bay Region, California: A Digital Database

Geology By Keith L. Knudsen, Janet M. Sowers, Robert C. Witter, Carl M. Wentworth, and Edward J. Helley

Digital Database By Carl M. Wentworth, Robert S. Nicholson, Heather M. Wright, and Katherine H. Brown

Open-File Report 00-448

Non-navigational Gridded Bathymetry Data Washington—Oregon Coast: 1926-1998
Data release and description of methods

By Ann E. Gibbs, Maarten C. Buijsman, and Chris R. Sherwood

Open-File Report 00-489

Preliminary Volcano-Hazard Assessment for the Katmai Volcanic Cluster, Alaska

By Judy Fierstein and Wes Hildreth

Open-File Report 00-494

High-resolution marine seismic reflection data from the San Francisco Bay area

By Jonathan R. Childs, Patrick Hart, Terry R. Bruns, Michael S. Marlow, and Ray Sliter

Open-File Report 00-495

Geologic datasets for weights of evidence analysis in northeast Washington-1. Geologic raster data

By David E. Boleneus and J. Douglas Causey

Open-File Report 00-506

Principal Facts for Gravity Stations in the Antelope Valley–Bedell Flat area,West-Central Nevada

By Eleanore B. Jewel, David A. Ponce, and Robert L. Morin

Open-File Report 00-507

Archive Report for Most USGS Seismic Refraction Investigations Conducted
Between 1978 and 1991

By Janice M. Murphy

Open-File Report 00-508

Parameterizing Century to Model Cultivated and Noncultivated Sites in the Loess Region of Western Iowa

By Kristen L. Manies, Jennifer W. Harden, Larry Kramer, and William Parton

Open-File Report 00-509

SMSIM—Fortran Programs for Stimulating Ground Motions from Earthquakes: Version 2.0—A Revision of OFR 96-80A

By David M. Boore

Open-File Report 00-512

The Lasting Effects of Tank Maneuvers on Desert Soils and Intershrub Flora

By Douglas V. Prose and Howard G. Wilshire

Open-File Report 00-516

Cruise Report for A1-00-SC Southern California Earthquake Hazards Project, Part A

By Christina E. Gutmacher, William R. Normark, Stephanie L. Ross, Brian D. Edwards, Ray Sliter, Patrick Hart, Becky Cooper, Jon Childs, and Jane A. Reid

Open-File Report 00-518

Basement Structure Beneath Langford Well Lake Basin, Fort Irwin, California, Based on Inversion of Gravity Data

By Robert L. Morin

Open-File Report 00-519

Preliminary Volcano-Hazard Assessment for Aniakchak Volcano, Alaska

By Christina A. Neal, Robert G. McGimsey, Thomas P. Miller, James R. Riehle, and Christopher F. Waythomas

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