Tadpoles of the United States and Canada: A Tutorial and Key

Ronald Altig1, Roy W. McDiarmid2, Kimberly A. Nichols3 and Paul C. Ustach4


SECTION 1. LTRF, MARGINAL PAPILLAE, AND EYES: Division 1, Sections 1-E and 1-F - [5] -

Pseudacris (part) - Section 2

Acris - Section 3

Section 4

Section 15

Osteopilus septentrionalis [B]

Small image of Osteopilus septentrionalis [B]

SECTION 2. LTR P-3, TOOTH ROW CONFIGURATIONS, SUBMARGINAL PAPILLAE, COLORATION, AND RANGE: Division 1, Sections 1-E and 1-F; Division 4, Section 1-A - LTRF 2/2; narrow midventral gap in marginal papillae present or not; eyes lateral - [2] -

Pseudacris crucifer (part) [B]

Small image of Pseudacris crucifer (part) [B]

Pseudacris triseriata (part) [B]

Small image of Pseudacris triseriata (part) [B]

SECTION 3. SPIRACLE, COLORATION, AND RANGE: Division 1, Sections 1-E and 1-F; Division 4, Section 1-B - LTRF 2/2; narrow midventral gap in marginal papillae absent; eyes dorsal - [3] -

Acris crepitans [A]

Small image of Acris crepitans [A]

Acris gryllus [A]

Small image of tadpole spp.

SECTION 4. RANGE RESTRICTIONS: Division 1, Sections 1-E and 1-F; Division 4, Section 1-C - LTRF 2/3; narrow midventral gap in marginal papillae absent; eyes lateral - [5] -

SECTION 5. JAW SHEATHS; TOOTH ROW CONFIGURATIONS, MARGINAL AND SUBMARGINAL PAPILLAE, FINS, COLORATION, AND RANGE: Division 1, Section 1-E and 1-F; Division 4, Sections 1-C and 4-A - LTRF 2/3; narrow midventral gap in marginal papillae absent; eyes lateral; Rocky Mountains and west - [5] -

Hyla arenicolor (part) [A]

Small image of tadpole spp.

Hyla wrightorum [B]

Small image of tadpole spp.

Pseudacris cadaverina (part) [A]

Small image of tadpole spp.

Pseudacris regilla (part) [B]

Small image of tadpole spp.

Pseudacris triseriata (part) [B]

Small image of tadpole spp.

Pternohyla fodiens [A]

Small image of tadpole spp.

SECTION 6. LTR P-3: Division 1, Sections 1-E and 1-F; Division 4, Sections 1-C and 4-B - LTRF 2/3; narrow midventral gap in marginal papillae absent; eyes lateral; Rocky Mountains and east - [5] -

Section 7

Section 8

SECTION 7. MARGINAL AND SUBMARGINAL PAPILLAE, LTR A-2, COLORATION, AND RANGE: Division 1, Sections 1-E and 1-F; Division 4, Sections 1-C, 4- B, and 6-A - LTRF 2/3; narrow midventral gap in marginal papillae absent; eyes lateral; Rocky Mountains and east; P-3 long, P-2/P-3 ca. 1.0 - [5] -

Hyla arenicolor (part) [A]

Small image of tadpole spp.

Hyla chrysoscelis + H. versicolor (part) [B]

Small image of tadpole spp.+Small image of tadpole spp.

Hyla femoralis [B]

Small image of tadpole spp.

Smilisca baudinii [A]

Small image of tadpole spp.

SECTION 8. RANGE RESTRICTIONS: Division 1, Sections 1-E and 1-F; Division 4, Sections 1-C, 4-B, and 6-B - LTRF 2/3; narrow midventral gap in marginal papillae absent; eyes lateral; Rocky Mountains and east; P-3 medium to short, P-2/P-3 > 1.2 - [5] -

Section 9

Section 10

SECTION 9. CONFIGURATIONS OF LTRS P-3, P-1 AND A-2, LOWER JAW SHEATH, MARGINAL AND SUBMARGINAL PAPILLAE, COLORATION, AND RANGE: Division 1, Sections 1-E and 1-F; Division 4, Sections 1-C, 4-B, 6-B, and 8-A - LTRF 2/3; narrow midventral gap in marginal papillae absent; eyes lateral; P-3 medium to short, P-2/P-3 > 1.2; Rocky Mountains to Mississippi River - [4] -

Hyla avivoca (part) [A]

Small image of tadpole spp.

Hyla cinerea (part) [B]

Small image of tadpole spp.

Hyla squirella (part) [B]

Small image of tadpole spp.

Pseudacris clarkii [B]

Small image of tadpole spp.

Pseudacris crucifer (part) [B]

Small image of tadpole spp.

Pseudacris regilla (part) [A]

Small image of tadpole spp.

Pseudacris streckeri (part) [B]

Small image of tadpole spp.

Pseudacris triseriata (part) [B]

Small image of tadpole spp.

SECTION 10. PROMINENT COLORATION AND LTR P-3: Division 1, Sections 1-E and 1-F; Division 4, Sections 1-C, 4-B, 6-B, and 8-B - LTRF 2/3; narrow midventral gap in marginal papillae absent; eyes lateral; P-3 medium to short, P-2/P-3 > 1.2; east of Mississippi River - [5] -

Hyla avivoca (part) [A]

Small image of tadpole spp.

Hyla andersonii [B]

Small image of tadpole spp.

Hyla gratiosa (part) [A]

Small image of tadpole spp.

Pseudacris brimleyi (part) [B]

Small image of tadpole spp.

Pseudacris ocularis (part) [B]

Small image of tadpole spp.

Section 11

SECTION 11. LTR P-3 AND TAIL MUSCLE COLORATION: Division 1, Sections 1- E and 1-F; Division 4, Sections 1-C, 4-B, 6-B, 8-B, and 10-F - LTRF 2/3; narrow midventral gap in marginal papillae absent; eyes lateral; P-3 medium to short, P-2/P-3 > 1.2; east of Mississippi River; regardless of size, stage or range, notable colors or patterns in Section 10 absent - [5] -

Section 12

Section 13

Section 14

SECTION 12. LOWER JAW SHEATH, LTR CONFIGURATIONS, MARGINAL PAPILLAE, COLORATION, AND RANGE: Division 1, Sections 1-E and 1-F; Division 4, Sections 1-C, 4-B, 6-B, 8-B, 10-F, and 11-A - LTRF 2/3; narrow midventral gap in marginal papillae absent; eyes lateral; east of Mississippi River; regardless of size, stage or range, notable colors or patterns in Section 10 absent; P-3 medium, P-2/P-3 1.3-1.6; lateral surface of tail muscle pigmented throughout (even if diffusely), mottled, or graded from dark dorsally to pale ventrally (i.e., not bicolored) - [5] -

Hyla gratiosa (part) [A]

Small image of tadpole spp.

Hyla squirella (part) [B]

Small image of tadpole spp.

SECTION 13. COLORATION, MARGINAL PAPILLAE, TOOTH ROW CONFIGURATIONS, LOWER JAW SHEATH, AND RANGE: Division 1, Sections 1-E and 1-F; Division 4, Sections 1-C, 4-B, 6-B, 8-B, 10-F, and 11-B - LTRF 2/3; narrow midventral gap in marginal papillae absent; eyes lateral; east of Mississippi River; regardless of size, stage or range, notable colors or patterns in Section 10 absent; P-3 short, P-2/P-3 > 1.8; lateral surface of tail muscle pigmented throughout (even if diffusely), mottled, or graded from dark dorsally to pale ventrally (i.e., not bicolored) - [3] -

Hyla cinerea (part) [B]

Small image of tadpole spp.

Pseudacris brachyphona [B]

Small image of tadpole spp.

Pseudacris crucifer (part) [B]

Small image of tadpole spp.

Pseudacris nigrita [B]

Small image of tadpole spp.

Pseudacris ornata (part) [B]

Small image of tadpole spp.

Pseudacris streckeri (part) [B]

Small image of tadpole spp.

Pseudacris triseriata (part) [B]

Small image of tadpole spp.

SECTION 14. THROAT PIGMENTATION, TOOTH ROW CONFIGURATIONS, SIZE, LOWER JAW SHEATH, MARGINAL AND SUBMARGINAL PAPILLAE, COLORATION, AND RANGE: Division 1, Sections 1-E and 1-F; Division 4, Sections 1-C, 4-B, 6-B, 8-B, 10-F, and 11-C - LTRF 2/3; narrow midventral gap in marginal papillae absent; eyes lateral; east of Mississippi River regardless of size, stage or range, notable colors or patterns in Section 10 absent; P-3 short, P-2/P-3 > 1.8; lateral surface of tail muscle distinctly bicolored - [4] -

Pseudacris brimleyi (part) [B]

Small image of tadpole spp.

Pseudacris ocularis (part) [B]

Small image of tadpole spp.

Pseudacris ornata (part) [B]

Small image of tadpole spp.

Pseudacris triseriata (part) [B]

Small image of tadpole spp.

SECTION 15. COLORATION, LENGTH OF LTR P-3, AND RANGE: Division 1, Sections 1-E and 1-F; Division 4, Section 1-D - LTRF 2/3; narrow midventral gap in marginal papillae absent; eyes dorsal to dorsolateral (eye positions often mis-evaluated on these species) - [5] -

Hyla arenicolor (part) [A]

Small image of tadpole spp.

Pseudacris cadaverina (part)[A]

Small image of tadpole spp.

Back to Division 1: Families