Tadpoles of the United States and Canada: A Tutorial and Key

Ronald Altig1, Roy W. McDiarmid2, Kimberly A. Nichols3 and Paul C. Ustach4


SECTION 1. LTRF AND RANGE: Division 1, Section 1-D - [5] -

Section 2

Section 12

Rana tarahumarae [B]

Small image of Rana spp

Rana boylii [B]

Small image of Rana spp

SECTION 2. RANGE RESTRICTION: Division 1, Section 1-D; Division 3, Section 1-A - [5] -

Section 3

Section 4

SECTION 3. SIZE, COLORATION, AND BODY AND FIN SHAPES: Division 1, Section 1-D; Division 3, Sections 1-A and 2-A - [5] -

Rana catesbeiana (part) [A]

Small image of Rana spp

Rana catesbeiana (part) [A]

Small image of Rana spp

Rana rugosa (not illustrated) [B]

SECTION 4. SIZE, PROMINENT COLORATIONS, BODY AND FIN SHAPES, AND RANGE: Division 1, Section 1-D; Division 3, Sections 1-A and 2-B - [4] -

Section 5

Rana catesbeiana (part) [A]

Small image of Rana spp

Rana catesbeiana (part) [A]

Small image of Rana spp

Rana clamitans [B]

Small image of Rana spp

Rana heckscheri (part) [A]

Small image of Rana spp

Section 6

Section 7

SECTION 5. COLORATION AND RANGE: Division 1, Section 1-D; Division 3, Sections 1-A and 4-A - LTRF usually 2/3; to 25 TL; prominent (formed of many, closely-arranged, bright-colored cells) to faint (formed of fewer, widely-spaced cells) transverse golden, brassy, or russet band at mid-body (may or may not be visible in preserved specimen but sparse distributions of melanophores in this area often allow detection of where band was); fins usually not pigmented but may be slightly opaque; throughout continent but several species limited to Atlantic and Gulf coastal plains - [4, in life] -

Rana catesbeiana (part) [A]

Small image of Rana spp

Rana grylio (part) [B]

Small image of Rana spp

Rana heckscheri (part) [A]

Small image of Rana spp

Rana virgatipes (not illustrated) (part) [B]

SECTION 6. LENGTH OF LTR P-3, COLORATION, AND RANGE: Division 1, Section 1-D; Division 3, Sections 1-A and 3-G - LTRF usually 2/3; ca. 25-110 TL; body brown to russet with small, subtle, darker markings; middle of dorsal fin with longitudinal dark line or row of dots; Atlantic and Gulf coastal plains from southeastern Texas to New Jersey - [2 in sympatry] -

Rana grylio (part) [B]

Small image of Rana spp

Rana virgatipes (part) [B]

Small image of Rana spp

SECTION 7. RANGE RESTRICTIONS: Division 1, Section 1-D; Division 3, Sections 1-A, 2-B, and 4-H - LTRF usually 2/3; regardless of size, stage or range, notable colors or patterns described in Section 4 absent - [5] -

Section 8

Section 9

Section 10

Section 11

SECTION 8. SIZE, LTR P-3 AND P-1, DORSAL FIN, JAW SHEATHS, COLORATION, AND RANGE: Division 1, Section 1-D; Division 3, Sections 1-A, 2-B, 4- H, and 7-A - LTRF usually 2/3; regardless of size, stage or range, notable colors or patterns described Section 4 absent; Sierra Nevada- Cascade ranges and west - [4] -

Rana aurora (part) [B]

Small image of Rana sppSmall image of Rana spp

Rana cascadae (part) [B]

Small image of Rana spp

Rana pretiosa [B]

Small image of Rana spp

SECTION 9. COLORATION, NEUROMASTS, SUBMARGINAL AND MARGINAL PAPILLAE, BODY PROPORTIONS, LTR P-1, ABDOMINAL MUSCULATURE, AND RANGE: Division 1, Section 1-D; Division 3, Sections 1-A, 2-B, 4-H, and 7-B - LTRF usually 2/3; regardless of size, stage or range, notable colors or patterns in Section 10 absent; Sierra Nevada-Cascade ranges to Rocky Mountains - [3] -

Rana fisheri [C]

Small image of Rana spp

Rana onca [C]

Small image of Rana spp

Rana subaquavocalis [C]

Small image of Rana spp

Rana berlandieri (part) [A]

Small image of Rana spp

Rana chiricahuensis [A]

Small image of Rana spp

Rana luteiventris (part) [B]

Small image of Rana spp

Rana pipiens (part) [B]

Small image of Rana spp

Rana yavapaiensis [A]

Small image of Rana spp

SECTION 10. IRIS, UPPER JAW SHEATH, TOOTH ROW CONFIGURATIONS, MARGINAL AND SUBMARGINAL PAPILLAE, DORSAL FIN, COLORATION, AND RANGE: Division 1, Section 1-D; Division 3, Sections 1-A, 2-B, 4-H, and 7-C - LTRF usually 2/3; regardless of size, stage or range, notable colors or patterns described in Section 4 absent; Rocky Mountains east to Mississippi River - [2-3] -

Rana areolata (part) [B]

Small image of Rana spp

Rana berlandieri (part) [B]

Small image of Rana spp

Rana blairi (part) [A]

Small image of Rana spp

Rana luteiventris (part) [B]

Small image of Rana spp

Rana palustris (part) [B]

Small image of Rana spp

Rana pipiens (part) and R. sphenocephala (part) [B]

Small image of Rana spp

SECTION 11. IRIS, TOOTH ROW CONFIGURATIONS, MARGINAL AND SUBMARGINAL PAPILLAE, DORSAL FIN, COLORATION, AND RANGE: Division 1, Section 1-D; Division 3, Sections 1-A, 2-B, 4-H, and 7-D - LTRF usually 2/3; regardless of size, stage or range, notable colors or patterns described in Section 4 absent; east of Mississippi River - [1-3] -

Rana areolata (part) [B] + R. capito [C]

Small image of Rana spp+Small image of Rana spp

Rana blairi (part) [A]

Small image of Rana spp

Rana okaloosae [A]

Small image of Rana spp

Rana palustris (part) [B]

Small image of Rana spp

Rana pipiens (part) [B] + R. sphenocephala (part) [B]

Small image of Rana spp

Rana septentrionalis (part) [B]

Small image of Rana spp

SECTION 12. LTRF, BODY SHAPE, DORSAL FIN, COLORATION, AND RANGE: Division 1, Section 1-D; Division 3, Section 1-B - LTRF 2/4 or 3/4; streams or nearby lentic sites west of Rocky Mountains except for R. sylvatica) - [4] -

Rana muscosa [B]

Small image of Rana sppSmall image of Rana spp

Rana aurora (part) [B]

Small image of Rana sppSmall image of Rana spp

Rana cascadae (part) [B]

Small image of Rana spp

Rana sylvatica [A]

Small image of Rana spp

Back to Division 1: Families