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Development of Models for Ecological Investigation and Management of the Upper Mississippi River System

Upper Mississippi and Illinois RiversThe Upper Mississippi River System has historically been managed for multiple uses, each typically focused on single objectives. River users and managers have shown increasing interest in more integrated management at the ecosystem level.

To achieve integrated management, scientists need to identify existing habitat needs and gaps and to project the likely responses of biota to changes in the Upper Mississippi River System at multiple spatial scales.

This study develops models of likely biological responses to current and future conditions at various spatial scales. We developed a statistical model of predation on songbird nests based, in part, on the size of floodplain forest patches and characteristics of forest cover and canopy.

Work consisted of developing statistical models of critical components of songbird habitat in the floodplain of the Upper Mississippi River. Research on development of models for ecological investigation and management of the Upper Mississippi River System began in 1998 and was completed in September 2001.

Principal Investigator: Steve Gutreuter

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Page Last Modified: October 2, 2007