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National Oceanographic Data Center
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   Data Format Description
      ASCII Format
      NetCDF Format
   Code Tables
      Parameter Codes
      details at right»
      GTSPP Codes
      WMO Codes
      Platform/Ship Codes
         Call Signs: 0-9
         Call Signs: A-J
         Call Signs: K-P
         Call Signs: Q Part 1
         Call Signs: Q Part 2
         Call Signs: Q Part 3
         Call Signs: R-Z
         Platform Codes: 06-30
         Platform Codes: 31-32
         Platform Codes: 33
         Platform Codes: 34-53
         Platform Codes: 54-ZZ
         Platform Names: 1-C
         Platform Names: D-G
         Platform Names: H-K
         Platform Names: L-T
         Platform Names: U-U
         Platform Names: V-Z

>> Parameter Codes

Listing of Parameter Code Meaning in the ASCII and NetCDF format files.

Code Meaning Units Status Owner Category
AMON Ammonium (NH4-N) content mmol/m**3 Active MEDS Chemistry
COND Conductivity mmHo Active IML PhysicalOceanography
CPH$ Chlorophyll-acontent,determinedbytheWelchmeyermethod mg/m**3 Active MEDS
CPHL Chlorophyll-acontent mg/m**3 Active MEDS Chemistry
DOXY Dissolved oxygen        
F11$ CFC11 measurements pmol/Kg Active MEDS Chemistry
F12$ CFC12 measurements pmol/Kg Active MEDS Chemistry
FLU1 Chlorophyll concentration measured by fluorometer mg/m**3 Active MEDS Chemistry
FLU2 Fluorescence V Active MEDS Chemistry
HCDT Direction to which horizontal current is flowing (relative to true north) degress Active MEDS Physical Oceanography
HCSP Horizontal current speed m/sec Active MEDS Physical Oceanography
NTRA Nitrate (NO3-N) Content mmol/m**3 Active MEDS Chemistry
NTRI Nitrite (NO2-N) CONTENT mmol/m**3 Active MEDS Chemistry
NTRZ Nitrate + nitrite content mmol/m**3 Active MEDS Chemistry
OSI$ Originator's sample identifier text Active MEDS General purpose
PAR$ Photosynthetic active radiation uE/m**2/sec Active MEDS Biological Oceanography
PAR1 Irradiance (Photosynthetic Active Radiation (PAR)) Unknown Active MEDS Biological Oceanography
PHA$ Phaeophytin mg/m**3 Active MEDS Biological Oceanography
PHOS Phosphate (PO4-P) content mmol/m**3 Active MEDS Chemistry
PHPH Hydrogen ion concentration (pH) number Active MEDS Chemistry
PLT$ Percent light transmittance percent Active MEDS Physical Oceanography
PRP$ Primary productivity mgCarbon/m**3/hr Active MEDS Biological Oceanography
PSAL Practical salinity PSU Active MEDS Physical Oceanography
SLCA Silicate (SiO4-Si) content mmol/m**3 Active MEDS Chemistry
SSAL Salinity (pre-1978 definition) (parts/thousand) g/Kg Active MEDS Physical Oceanography
SVEL Sound velocity m/sec Active MEDS Physical Oceanography
TEMP Sea temperature deg C Active MEDS Physical Oceanography
TRB$ Turbidity data from a flow through nephelometer Formazine Turbidity Units (FTU) Active MEDS Physical Oceanography
TUR$ Turbidity percent percent Active MEDS Physical Oceanography
URE$ Urea (H2NCONH2) mmol/m**3 Active MEDS Biological Oceanography
USAL Undefined salinity (prac. salin or parts/thousand) number Active MEDS Physical Oceanography

  Last modified:    Wed, 8-Oct-2008 14:19 UTC
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