STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYMENT DATA: MARCH 1997 MARYLAND STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTS State Population Estimate (July, 1997) 5094289 Total Employees Full-Time (Full-time + Equivalent Payroll Function Part-time) Employment March Total 286899 251703 757725869 Financial Administration 6169 6064 17999526 Central Administration 5207 4481 13011850 Judicial & Legal 6608 6397 19174850 Police Protection 17170 16291 53400532 with Power of Arrest 13060 12922 44790799 Other 4110 3369 8609733 Fire Protection 6165 5897 22483976 Firefighters 5633 5554 21475594 Fire Other 532 343 1008382 Corrections 13331 13250 36680321 Streets & Highways 9728 9644 26023917 Airports 471 465 1398393 Water Transportation 600 599 1366757 Public Welfare 10102 9633 21734525 Health 10175 9463 26048968 Hospitals 6333 6050 15026262 Social Insurance Admin 928 894 2287321 Solid Waste Mgmt 2233 2182 4631649 Sewage Disposal 4009 3986 11741211 Parks & Recreation 8741 6716 13445547 Housing & Comm Dev 2871 2825 6984778 Natural Resources 2528 2367 7007793 Water Supply 2113 2102 6071304 Electric Power 79 79 234391 Gas Supply 11 11 26702 Transit 3120 3004 9711947 Elem & Sec Total 107102 96042 308054211 Instructional 74568 67181 243015614 Other 32534 28861 65038597 Higher Educ. Total 42534 26340 87821176 Instructional 16769 9566 42615750 Other 25765 16774 45205426 Other Education 2100 1993 6001564 Libraries 3567 2733 6277877 State Liquor Stores 0 0 0 Other & Unallocable 12904 12195 33078521