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National Fetal and Infant Mortality Review Program
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NFIMR Publications
Key Steps in the FIMR Process
Kathleen Buckley, MSN, CNM

The National Fetal and Infant Mortality Review Program is a collaborative effort between the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and the Maternal and Child Health Bureau, Health Resources and Services Administration.

New: Joint ASIP and NFIMR Bibliography (Feb 24, 2009)
The Association of SIDS and Infant Mortality Programs(ASIP) and the National Fetal and Infant Mortality Review Program has completed their joint annual 08 - 09 update to the bibliography on grief and bereavement following pregnancy loss and perina...(click title to continue)

Fetal and Infant Mortality Review: A Guide for Communities 2nd Edition. (Feb 24, 2009)
NFIMR has revised the Manual with input from local and state FIMR programs across the country and also developed three new chapters (Chapter 3 Group Process, Chapter 8 Taking Stock of the FIMR Process and Chapter 9 Other Maternal and Child Health Re...(click title to continue)

Heads UP FIMR Programs! Two New NFIMR Projects Underway in 08!
NFIMR is working on 2 new projects: 1)      Revision of the NFIMR Brochure – Making Healthy Communities Happen and 2)      Development of a FIMR PSA for use by local communities If y...(click title to continue)

New 2008 NFIMR Software and Data Abstraction Forms (Sep 22, 2008)
HEADS UP FIMR programs; New NFIMR Software is available! This 2008 application matches all the new 2008 NIFMR data abstraction and maternal interview forms, captures the case review team findings and creates reports. Software is available at no char...(click title to continue)

MCH Disaster Preparedness Guidelines and Resources
  Heads UP!! Detailed hurricane preparation suggestions for families with newborns can be found at: MOD: http://www.marchofdimes.com/pnhec/298_16943.asp and CDC’s Safe Motherhood at http://www.cdc.gov/Features/Emergencies/Pre...(click title to continue)

New ACOG/AAP Guidelines for Perinatal Care Promote Value of FIMR (Mar 20, 2008)
Heads UP FIMR Programs!! The new sixth edition of the joint ACOG/AAP Guidelines for Perinatal Care has been published. The Guidelines are considered as one of the essential perinatal texts for obstetric and pediatric providers and MCH public healt...(click title to continue)

Bibliographies New! Women and Disasters

The NFIMR Resource Center maintains an annually updated list of bibliographies containing topics of interest to FIMR projects.   Because of the effect of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, we have added a new topic New NFIMR Bibliography: Th...(click title to continue)

The FIMR Process: Featured in New National Publication! (Dec 5, 2006)
    The United Health Foundation has just released it annual America ’s Health Rankings – A Call for People&Their Communities for 2006.   The report, which is produced by United Health Foundation in partners...(click title to continue)

New Directory of FIMR Programs (Nov 14, 2006)
FIMR programs have always said that no written instructions about FIMR can substitute for the ongoing communication and collaboration among the communities implementing the process. Across the country today, there are approximately 200 local FIMR pr...(click title to continue)

New Resource! Abstracting FIMR Data (Nov 14, 2006)
 Collecting Data for Fetal and Infant Mortality Reviews (FIMR) was developed as a final graduate project by Ms Dani Noell, ARNP/RNC for the masters degree of Nursing at the Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, Fl. Ms Noell is an expe...(click title to continue)

NEW FIMR Home Interviewing Web Cast (Jul 18, 2006)
View the webcast or print the text of the home interview webcast featuring Jodi Shaefer and Patt Young

Current FIMR Newsletters
Download PDF copies of NFIMR newsletter.

National Evaluation of the FIMR Process
The national evaluation described in an MCH Journal supplement was conducted by the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Women's and Children's Health Policy Center and sponsored by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB) . ...(click title to continue)

2004 NFIMR Conference Program Posters (Dec 4, 2004)
Click on links below to view posters and abstracts. Greatest Show on Birth    Tina Basel Enhancing the Review Process through Maternal Interviews                                                                            Peter Barnard ...(click title to continue)

Fetal and Infant Mortality in the United States
(Jul 30, 2000)
Index Perinatal mortality Fetal mortality Infant mortality Birth-weight specific infant mortality Calculating fetal and infant mortality rates Other models for statistical analysis Perinatal mortality Allston, AA. Improving women's heath...(click title to continue)

FIMR and Child Fatality Review: Opportunities for Local Collaboration (Jun 1, 2000)
Introduction About Infant and Child Mortality What is Fetal and Infant Mortality Review What is Child Fatality Review Similarities Differences Working Together Models of Community FIMR and CFR Collaboration References and Bibliography I...(click title to continue)

When An Infant Dies: Cross Cultural Expressions of Grieving and Loss (Feb 27, 2000)
This first bulletin summarizes a panel presentation at the National Fetal and Infant Mortality Review Program, Third National Conference, held July 16-18, 1998, in Washington, D.C. The panel and this Bulletin were produced in partnership with the As...(click title to continue)

NFIMR Consortium Member Organizations

Purpose of the NFIMR Consortium: Serving as an advisory committee to the national FIMR program, the consortium represents national organizations that are involved in a variety of relevant activities of interest to the national FIMR program. The c...(click title to continue)

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