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GovDelivery Clientele  - Who's using GovDelivery now?
United Kingdom
Email communication is a critical part of government online efforts: U.K. citizens are 5 times more likely to use email than to access government information and services online.
Source: U.K. Office for National Statistics

Learn how featured U.K. GovDelivery Clients are using Email Subscription Management to reach citizens

GovDelivery is in full compliance with the Data Protection Act (DPA) of 1998.

U.K. Clients - Click clients in red to view associated case studies.

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Copyright © 2008 GovDelivery, Inc. All rights reserved. | GovDelivery, the email and digital subscription management for government company.
— 408 St. Peter Street, Suite 600, Saint Paul, MN 55102 | (866) 276-5583 | info@govdelivery.com
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