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Iraq Continues to Dominate US Politics 

15 March 2006
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President Bush
Three years after the U.S.-led invasion, Iraq continues to dominate American politics like no other issue.  Recent public opinion polls suggest Americans are losing patience with the Iraq effort, complicating President Bush's attempts to shore up domestic support. An Associated Press public opinion poll indicates nearly four out of five Americans, including 70 percent of the President's own party, believe civil war will break out in Iraq -- and that could have a huge impact on Mr. Bush's presidency.

U.S.-led coalition forces sped to a quick military victory in Iraq, toppling the regime of Saddam Hussein.

But achieving a stable peace in the country has proved to be much more elusive.

Over the past year, continuing U.S. casualties coupled with daily images of violence and chaos have driven down domestic support for the war effort in general and for President Bush's handling of Iraq in particular.

Karlyn Bowman
Karlyn Bowman
Karlyn Bowman monitors public opinion at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington. "I think that is because most Americans are anxious when we have our troops in harm's way and they want to know what the president's intentions are and they also want to believe that those intentions are being carried out effectively and they have their doubts on the latter score today."

After narrowly winning re-election in 2004, President Bush has had a difficult time retaining public support, in part because of high fuel prices at home and the much criticized government response to Hurricane Katrina.

But political analyst Stuart Rothenberg says public worries over Iraq remain at the heart of the president's political problems.

voa-tv Stuart Rothenberg 18dec02 150.jpg
Stuart Rothenberg (file photo)
"Fundamentally, it has undermined George Bush's credibility, raised questions about his leadership, and I think been the single greatest factor contributing to his political problems at home."

Several recent public opinion polls indicate a majority of the public now opposes the war in Iraq, does not believe the effort was worth the cost ,and fears Iraq may be headed for civil war.

"They now question why we went in there, believe we should not have gone in there.  The entire rationale in terms of weapons of mass destruction has been undercut.  And simply the way the war has gone has raised questions about the administration policy and their management of the war," said Mr. Rothenberg.

President Bush is well aware of the public doubts about Iraq.  He has given a series of speeches around the country in hopes of boosting domestic support, including this one in February.

"We are fixing what has not worked.  We will continue to make changes as necessary to complete the mission, to meet the objective, and that is a country which can sustain itself, defend itself, protect itself and serve as a strong ally in the war on terror."

The president's Republican supporters hope the situation in Iraq will settle down before the upcoming congressional elections in November.  Democrats expect to pick up seats in the elections at least in part because of public dissatisfaction over the Iraq effort.

But as a party, Democrats remain divided over Iraq, with a vocal minority demanding a speedy pullout.

Congressman John Murtha represents the Johnstown area of Pennsylvania
Congressman John Murtha (file photo)
Pennsylvania Congressman John Murtha supported the war at first.  Now he wants U.S. troops out of Iraq. "The war in Iraq is not going as advertised.  It is a flawed policy wrapped in illusion."

But the polls suggest many Americans do not believe that Democrats would handle Iraq much differently.

Again, polling expert Karlyn Bowman. "There are many different voices within the Democratic Party, some arguing very strongly for an immediate withdrawal, some saying that we have to stay the course and the Democrats are not speaking with a clear voice about Iraq right now."

Democrats may be divided, but political experts now see the November midterm elections as a likely referendum on Mr. Bush's handling of Iraq.

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