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Flood Hazards
Updating Flood Maps

Existing flood maps need updating because in the nearly 20 years since the original studies were completed, additional information has become available about peak flows and floodplain elevations that would significantly change the flood estimates these maps display. However, complete re-studies using traditional methods are expensive and time-consuming. A method of updating flood inundation maps at a fraction of the time and expense tested in Washington State are described in the following reports:

U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 98-200 — Updating Flood Inundation Maps Efficiently: Building on Existing Hydraulic Information and Modern Elevation Data with a GIS.

U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 01-4051 — Updating Flood Maps Efficiently Using Existing Hydraulic Models, Very-High-Accuracy Elevation Data, and a Geographic Information System: A Pilot Study on the Nisqually River, Washington. This report is in PDF format. (PDF 2.4 MB / 30 pages)

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U.S. Department of the Interior
U.S. Geological Survey, Tacoma, WA, USA
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URL: http:// /projects/pugethazards/urbanhaz/UpdatingFloodmaps.htm
Contact: webmaster
Last modification: Tuesday, 22-Jan-2008 17:06:37 EST