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New Books from Urban Institute Press

worklife_policies_smWork-Life Policies
Ann C. Crouter, Alan Booth | $32.50

Workplace policies that provide flexible scheduling, leave for caregiving, and assistance with child care likely benefit employers in recruitment, retention, productivity, and health care costs. Their benefits to employees seem obvious. Researchers, however, are just beginning to move beyond correlational, descriptive studies into rigorous intervention research. more

Decoding the U.S. Corporate Tax
Daniel N. Shaviro | $26.50

"The corporate tax could soon be headed in new directions," Dan Shaviro writes in Decoding the U.S. Corporate Tax, wherein he assesses the threats to America’s corporate tax code and challenges conventional wisdom on the best avenues for reform. more

Child Welfare: The Challenges of Collaboration Cover Child Welfare: The Challenges of Collaboration
Timothy Ross | $29.50

When youth in the child welfare system face problems such as juvenile delinquency, the agencies charged with their care often find that they do not have the capacity to act without the cooperation of other government departments. The trap gets tighter when parents have lost custody or are in the criminal justice system themselves. more 

Meet the Author

harry hatry

Harry Hatry, author of Performance Measurement: Getting Results, Second Edition is a distinguished fellow at the Urban Institute in Washington, D.C., where he directs the Institute's Public Management Program. He spoke about how performance measurement can improve service delivery:

Hatry: It's the attempt in a systematic way to regularly provide data to agency officials about the outcomes and the efficiency of their programs. That information should provide guidance for managers to improve, to find out where problems exist, to see where they are doing well and where they are not doing well. They can then take action and use later performance measurement reports to see if the desired outcomes occurred. more

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