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China Local time: 03:09 PM

The U.S. Pavilion at CISIS 2009

Date:    June 17 –21, 2009
Venue:    Dalian World Expo centre

Greetings from the Commercial Service in Shenyang, China!

The Commercial Service of the U.S. Consulate in Shenyang is pleased to invite you to participate in the U.S. Pavilion at the 7th China International Software & Information Service Fair 2009 (CISIS 2009) at the Dalian World Expo Center, Jun 17-21, 2009. Dalian city, located in Liaoning province with coastal access to Japan and Korea, is one of China’s main international IT industry hubs with a complete chain of services including application software development, IT consultation, IT education and training, BPO and data processing. Over 300 domestic and international companies have made this city their research and development base for either China or Asia.

The CISIS Fair is the only State-approved national level software fair in China sponsored by the Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Science and Technology, the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT), and the Liaoning Provincial Government. It is organized by the Dalian Municipal Government and the China International Software & Information Service Center.

About 2008 CISIS:
• Total exhibition space of 30k sq meters
• Total of 600 domestic and international exhibitors including Microsoft, Intel , HP, IBM, CISCO, SAP, NEC,ORACLE, NEUSOFT etc
• Over 50,000 visitors including 34.21% of them come from IT, Telecommunication, Computer; 25.89% from Education, Technology and Consultation; 14.49% from Business, Trade and Service; 10.53% from Industry and Manufacturing; 14.88% from others
• Media coverage by 200 media members, including Economic Daily, China Business, Hongkong Commercial Daily, China Securities Journal, China Information World, CCTV, Wall Street Journal, DOWJONES and Reuters.

China’s software industry has seen its profit margins grow at an average rate of 39.4% per annum from 2003 to 2007. This dynamic growth stems from the country’s progressive movement towards computerization in all industrial sectors and at all the level of governments. Despite global economic uncertainties, China’s development of and adaption to IT is expected to continue, and CISIS is an excellent platform for US companies to promote and develop their position in this market.

We welcome and encourage American companies to attend this high-level trade show. To support U.S. companies in successfully exhibiting at CISIS 2009, the Commercial Service at the U.S. Consulate General in Shenyang will organize a U.S. Pavilion within which U.S. companies are invited to exhibit. The U.S. Commercial Service in Shenyang will work to facilitate communication between American exhibitors and the show organizer in making arrangement to exhibit and participate in this important event. Since we only have limited booths available, we welcome and encourage interested U.S. companies to contact us as soon as possible.

Learn more about CISIS

See what the U.S. Pavilion at CISIS has to offer

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