Local Government Employment and Payroll
March 2007


The local government employment and payroll data are available in ASCII text format, Excel spreadsheets, and viewable tables. These statistics cover summary information on the number of employees and gross payrolls by government function for local governments (counties, municipalities, townships, special districts, and school districts). Employment and gross payroll data pertain to March (October for years prior to 1997). Gross payrolls are 31-day monthly equivalent values and are in whole dollars.

Data Revision for 11/26/2008
The data have been updated to reflect late responses received through the mail or from follow-up e-mails. The formula used to derive the full-time equivalent employment variable was changed to account for the different pay methods. Therefore, the full-time equivalent employment variable is more accurate.

The Individual Unit Data File has been updated with data flags for the following variables collected by the survey : full-time employees, full-time pay, part-time employees, part-time pay, and part-time hours. Also, imputed data have been added to the Individual Unit Data File this year.

Data Revision for 1/29/2009
The data have been updated to reflect late responses received through the mail or from follow-up e-mails.

VIEWABLE DATA - Summary data for the nation and by state

DOWNLOADABLE DATA - Detailed data and record layouts

ABOUT THE SURVEY - Background, purpose, and population of interest

SURVEY CONTENT - Questionnaires and definitions

DATA COLLECTION - Collection period and methods

DATA PROCESSING - Editing, imputation, and sampling error

DATA QUALITY - Response rates and nonsampling errors

RELATED INFORMATION - Related surveys and evaluation studies

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Governments Division,
Created: 08-20-2008
Last revised: April 01 2009