The U.S. Census Bureau

Federal Government Employment and Payroll
December 2007


Federal Government employment data are available by function. Data by function capture all Federal Civilian employees, including seasonal and intermittent employees, and employees on foreign assignments residing outside the 50 states and the District of Columbia. Employee counts are the on-board "head count" as of the end of the reporting period. The payroll data are a monthly total only. There is no detail available for full-time or part-time employee payrolls.

For further details on the Federal Government employment data, see "About the Survey" under Reference Information.

 Available Data tables provided in both viewable and spreadsheet formats 

* Federal Government Employment data by governmental function
Viewable Data  PDF  |   spreadsheet version
 2002 Publication
* Volume 3, Number 2 Compendium of Public Employment  PDF
 Reference Information
* About the Survey - Information related to survey content
* Government Finance and Employment Classification Manual - Explains how government finances and employment data are categorized, and explains the item codes used to create those categories.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Governments Division
Created: July 16 2008
Last revised: April 01 2009