i i i ; i i I *EOO 1 340* COI,,,FLICT O,',@ IlOi-1,R-@-ST The folloiiir,,.r extract fro-,n the D@@part,,,--.en,-U o@ Fealth, l@du-ation, -L - and IILlfare General Adni-nistratio,,-i is called to the attention of the Public Health Service Coi-isultan"sl "Advisors and consul'(-,ants ser\T:hig as m--.-.bers of public advisory 'ttees should not participate in sitl-iaticis in i,, ich a con m i I - .@ h violation of conflict of interest lw.,.,s a@--d r@--,-'Lllatj-o,is is likely ZD to occur. Heads of h@areaus and Divisio.,,is estab3-ish tte procedures a-lid controls to insure that a co.-,- e n,.a,@T,,ber is qisqualified fr,-,-.i D---@L@or@Tiir.- duites or re,,-iderin- ad,,7ice iv@.-iich viill have a direct and predi-c'LlabIQ efL'e-@,- on '-Lllic interests of an organization or institution i,,Tith ijlil-cli -'is associated as an em,,oloye-- or consultant or in v;hicil-) I,i-- 1)..-s a financial. interest. In particular, c@.-;-,-,qittee members should r-c-L, -%F-rticipate in the evaluation of contract or ull-aiit proposals -,.@@r,4ch ,.-fill directly affect the interests of such organization or institution CU@-\TFI-Di@@,,,Fj'!-A-TITY OF, Regulatioi-is of the P,'iS provide that discussions of advisory councils shall be held confidential except, as disclosure is authorized by the Ad@ministrator, Healtl-i Services and I,,,;'ental Ilealth A stration. November 19