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American Community Survey Alert, Number 63

(Released January 16, 2009)    Printer Friendly Version of Alert 63

Informing you about news, events, data releases, congressional action, and other developments associated with the American Community Survey (ACS).

(Note to subscribers: If you have trouble with any of the links in this Alert, please copy and paste the link into the address line of your browser. The page will then come up.)

News in this Alert

* 2005-2007 ACS 3-Year Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) Files Released January 16, 2009

The 2005-2007 3-Year PUMS files were released today. This multiyear PUMS file contains the same sample of actual responses provided in the 2005, 2006, and 2007 1-Year PUMS files, but with new weights.

The PUMS files are a sample of the actual responses to the ACS and include most population and housing characteristics. These files provide users with the flexibility to prepare customized tabulations and can be used for detailed research and analysis. Files have been edited to protect the confidentiality of all individuals and of all individual households.

The 2005-2007 ACS 3-Year PUMS files capture the total population including those living in institutions, college dormitories, and other group quarter facilities. The smallest geographic unit that is identified is the Public Use Microdata Area (PUMA) with an average population size of 100,000.

* The ACS Compass Products - 3rd Release

The third release of ACS Compass Products includes the following two audience-specific handbooks in PDF format:

What High School Teachers Need to Know summarizes the types of information and geographic areas covered by the ACS and explains how to understand ACS data. This handbook provides specific examples to illustrate how ACS data can be incorporated into lesson plans and activities to address a variety of social studies, geography, and mathematics.

What Federal Agencies Need to Know is designed to aid federal agency analysts, program administrators, and policy makers when they use ACS data in carrying out the business of their agencies. This handbook describes the essential features of the ACS in detail, addresses some important statistical and practical considerations, and discusses how to transition from decennial long-form data to ACS data.

The ACS Compass Products handbooks may be found at:

*Contact Us

If you have questions or comments about the American Community Survey, please call (800)923-8282 or e-mail

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Source: U.S. Census Bureau  |  American Community Survey Office  |  Page Last Modified: April 29, 2009